D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings




"We are... how did they capture you, and were you with others or all alone... What were you doing when they captured you?"

(looks around and checks items previously found...)

"did you have any armor or belongings they took from you?"


The Tentacled One
*While Si'Nat is occupying Cullen, Cugel will look to Gareth and ask what he makes of this. Does Gareth think that his captors would keep a prisoner alive if the prisoner was not performing a useful service as Gareth was?*


Staff member
"I was scouting the wilderness alone outside Guido's Fort and foolishly let down my guard, as a group of goblins jumped me without me being aware. I did have some equipment; if you see some bugbears, they probably have it as they're all I've seen since I was brought down here. I had some leather armor, a shortsword, a bow and arrows, a sack with some coins, and a backpack with rope, flasks of oil, and a set of lock-picking tools."

Meanwhile, Gareth shrugs at Cugel's question. "I can't say. I've been here for nearly a year and barely saw anyone else, certainly not him. I'm sure my skills kept me around for that long, but what they planned to do with him <shrug> They might have tried to pump him for information and/or kept him around for 'entertainment' in the arena. It's hard to say."


The Tentacled One
"Cullen, I am Cugel. I hope you will forgive our suspicion, but we have met with some deceptive characters in the past. Still one does not usually lock up one's friends, and as they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I would be happy to release you and proffer your effects unto you. However, with all the killing monsters we have found ourselves doing, our party has encountered a slight arrow shortage and helped itself to some of yours. I hope you do not mind if we leave you with less than a fully supply, considering the circumstances..."


Staff member
** Just as a note, you all do have plenty of arrows; most are in the 30 range and you, Cugel, have 43. Si'Nat has 16; I think he didn't take advantage to restock at the store (or has been using them up faster). Just wasn't clear if you knew that or were trying to talk some arrows out of the guy

"Nice meeting you, Cugel. I would be most grateful to have my belongings back and to get back to Guido's Fort. If I can keep just a dozen arrows, that should be good."


"Yeah - I may need it... For some reason - they fly out of my quiver and through the air with no notice... heh..."


The Tentacled One
I forget if we might have a key to the cell. I think Si'Nat has been hoarding keys and got one from the bugbears, so he should try that. If we cannot open the lock with a key, Cugel will search it for traps, then attempt to pick it.

*Seeing that he has the most, Cugel will supply Cullen with a dozen dozen arrows. If anyone runs down to less than five, Cugel will try to keep them supplied. More archers should mean killing stuff faster.*

Also, I think whoever is carrying Cullen's other belongings should give them back at this point.


(key is a good idea...)


"anyone want to wager that one of these keys will open the cell door?"

(Begins attempting to open cell... wary of Cullen's actions... ready to do battle...)


Staff member
To be clear, this whole room is the cell; you unlocked it by entering in the first place. I think the only things you took was the sack with the coins and the arrows; everything else was left on the beds back in the room.

Cullen looks at the wine. "No, that's not mine, but I wouldn't mind a drink." :)

"Thanks for the arrows, have you seen the rest of my equipment? These aren't going to be any good without a bow..."



"To the end of the hall - make a right, first door, or what's left of it, on the the right..."

"Hey guys - we still have to check the other door to the West... I'm getting ready to head there..."

(begins heading to the West door to check it... - standard listen, check, etc.)


Staff member
Cullen thanks you guys again and leaves for his equipment (Are you guys giving back the sack with the coins too? That wasn't clear...)

Si'Nat heads to the door to the west and doesn't hear anything behind it, not find any traps or the like on it.


The Tentacled One
I say we give the money back. It's his. Unlike arrows, it's not something we potentially need down here. He's suffered enough as it is. Also have we offered to let him come with us? Because we really should. More firepower would come in handy.