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  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Goblin Lives Matter [EDH].
    Played this deck for my final game last night. I kept an opening hand with Pyre of Heroes and Mana Echoes, so I thought I might have a...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Unbound and Down [EDH].
    After using Urza's Saga to fetch Sol Ring and get some mana, I found myself falling behind as I just couldn't get more than two lands...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Kid Gloves [EDH].
    Played this deck yesterday and it wound up being a pretty crazy game with lots of interaction. At various points, it seemed like any of...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread BMW Shops [PreDH].
    I played this for my final game of Wednesday night. It had been a while, so I wanted to get another game in. I got a bit manadrowned and...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Goblin Lives Matter [EDH].
    This game put up a dominant performance. I was a turn away from all of my goblins being taken out by Farewell. Won with token beatdown...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Kid Gloves [EDH].
    I built this stupid deck to be hyperfocused on Repercussion, and the one time that I finally win a game, I never see Repercussion or...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Epic [EDH].
    Always use Humility. I played this deck for my final game last night. It was a good game. My friend was able to blow up Divine...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Unbound and Down [EDH].
    During what otherwise was shaping up to be a great game I derped into Metalworker + Staff of Domination. Well, technically, there was...
  • Oversoul
    Torsten's streak of domination continues. I used Azusa to get extra lands out faster and sacrificed Crystal Vein to rush my commander...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Goblin Lives Matter [EDH].
    Had a weirdly slow start with this deck, but still came pretty close to setting up a combo. After mulliganing away a hand with no red...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Kid Gloves [EDH].
    I keep bringing this deck to tables where it's bound to get trounced. Still, my friend had to kill me first because if he didn't, my...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Unbound and Down [EDH].
    I only got two games in on Wednesday night this week. Both were very long. This deck won an epic game just as the game store was...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Bad Advice [EDH].
    I actually had a pretty good game with this deck this week. The opponent with an artifact-based deck that was easily the strongest deck...
  • Oversoul Well, this is a steaming hot pile of garbage.
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Aurum Astrum [EDH].
    This deck has betrayed me for the last time. Tried to use it once on Friday last week and also for my final game last night. It was...