D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Staff member
** It was clear, I was just waiting to see if anyone else wanted to chime in :)

You rest and continue on to the door without incident. You check for traps twice and find nothing. You open the door and see a 20' N-S by 40' E-W room with what appears to be four cell doors to the south. A torture rack, an iron maiden, and a huge pot of bubbling oil all give a good indictation of this room's purpose. Feeding the fire beneath the oil are two goblins.

They aren't surprised, but you are. However, they don't rush to attack or fight; they continue stoking the fire and watch you.


(Must be something else driving them to continue feeding the fire... - aim and fire at them with arrows...)

(If they are continuing to do their normal work - does it qualify them as "prone")

"Feeding the fire are ya?... how's bout me feeding you some pain!..."

(will use sleep if something bigger and badder comes about...)


Staff member
Rondo scans the rest of the room looking for more enemies before shooting at the 2 goblins...If nothing else seems out of place he'll join in on the goblins, but he'll hang back from melee once things break down and will watch the corridor and the rest of the room instead...:)


Staff member
Round 1

Si'Nat's arrow hits one of the goblins in the leg and Kurik's arrow finishes him off, while Cugel's arrow goes wide. Rondo scans the room to see if there's any reaction to the attack but there doesn't appear to be any.

The remaining goblin now seems aggravated; he jumps up and rushes at Rondo but misses.

Round 2 - Goblin gets initiative.

The goblin continues his assault on Rondo and this time scores a major hit! Rondom surprised by the goblin's attack, fails to hit on his return swing. Gareth steps to Rondo's aid but also fails to hit. The rest of the party can't get an attack in due to the door and the melee combatants.

Round 3 - Party wins initiative.

Rondo brings his axe down on the goblin's head in a bloody explosion, dispatching it.


(Will pass a healing potion to Rondo - then begin searching the room, cells and retrieve arrow if possible...)

Rondo - you ok?... take this... I've got to go look at something...


Staff member
All arrows are unretrievable.

The room is pretty otherwise empty except from the initial room description, but you do find a ring with an iron key hanging on the east wall. The four cells have locked doors but there is a barred window in each door; you can see a moldering skeleton lying on the bed in the far east cell.


(are the cells just like bars - or stone walls with wooden doors and barred windows?... if we can't see through each - I'll use keys to open and explore if possible - but pulling the sword to be ready for close melee... sleep ready as well...)

"well, well... let's see what's behind doors 1... 2... 3.... and 4..."


Staff member
** The second, rooms with a door and small barred window near the top. Sorry I was unclear about it when first describing it

You use the key to unlock each of the cell doors and search them, but you don't find anything interesting. This also takes you to rest time.


(rest over by the fire... checking goblins along the way - anything on them?)

"Well sheesh... that was a waste of time... but I do have this cool key set now..."


The Tentacled One
"Strange that the goblins should behave that way. We should investigate their bodies for signs of anything unusual, as well as checking the cauldron they were stirring."


Staff member
**meh...I reckon Rondo needs to down the healing potion...Then he'll join Si'Nat on guard duty...:)**



"Well - let's continue on and then head South as was mentioned previously..."