D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Staff member
** You know, there's nothing like the "Take 20" rule in 3rd ed D&D. So I guess you can take as many times as you want, taking up the appropriate amount of time, and checking for wandering monsters as appropriate. I'll say picking a lock takes half a turn.

You're determined not to let this lock defeat you and set to work again. After a few agonizing minutes, you figure it out and the lock pops open!


Staff member
You see a 20' N-S by 30' E-W room that contains a polished circular table, a fur-lined bench, a desk. and a chair that give the room a civilized look. An elaborate candelabra rests on the table. On the desk is a statue.



Isengar Tussle
Wilhelm will wait until the other enter the room and make sure it's "safe".
Then enter and set the wine on the circular table.


Staff member
Nothing is interesting about the table, but the candelabra is made out of silver and you estimate its worth to be about 50 gp.


Staff member
The desk has two drawers.

The statue seems to be a miniature of the same god whose likeness you've found throughout the place. It's made out of pumice.


Staff member
The top drawer is unlocked and contains an inkwell, several quill pens, and a dozen blank sheets of parchment.

The bottom drawer is locked.


Staff member
Cugel manages to successfully pick the lock. Unfortunately, he doesn't notice the needle within the lock until the final <click>, when it pieces his finger. He feels the poison run through his veins and to his heart <and fails his saving throw>. Fortunately for him, the gods smile on him this day and grant him new life and vigor to continue his journeys, hopefully teaching him a lesson to *always* look for traps <Cugel uses his free life>

Inside the drawer he finds a pouch and a rolled up parchment.


The Tentacled One
"Well now, what just happened? I do believe I am sufficiently annoyed at this place..."

*Cugel swings his sword at the statue in frustration.*

Let's just hope the pumice isn't that strong...


Staff member
It isn't.... it shatters into tiny pieces. Hopefully Cugel feels better with that wanton act of destruction...


The Tentacled One
*Cugel searches the pouch for traps. He won't search the parchment for traps because who traps parchment? Is that even possible. Anyway, once that's done, he'll examine the contents of the pouch.*


Staff member
Cugel doesn't find any traps on the pouch. Opening it, he finds seven gems worth about 20 gp each. The parchment seems to contain a clerical spell, which Cugel doesn't understand (for obvious reasons :) )


The Tentacled One
*Cugel will pocket the gems and the parchment for himself. No wait, that's not a good idea. He'll hand the parchment to the cleric. Unfortunately, it's been so long that I've lost track of who's who. Bertrem's the cleric?*


The Tentacled One
I should hope so. It's been just a couple of us actually doing things and I think Spidey handling the absentee people in combat situations while they follow us like zombies outside of combat.