D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Staff member
It's a 20' square room, with the floor padded by several huge bearskins, and four soft chairs surrounding a low table. On the walls are niches for a dozen candles, and a shelf holding four crystal goblets and two bottles of wine.



The Tentacled One
*Examines bearskins, checking to see if there's anything underneath them. After that, will examine the table and chairs for anything unusual, and then the shelf if no one else has already done so...*


Staff member
Kurik and Gareth keep watch while Cugel does his search. Nothing's underneath the bearskins. Nothing unusual about the chairs and tables. Nothing about the shelf, but the goblets look to be worth about 50 gp each and the wine is a rare vintage, worth about 80 gp. However, the goblets and wine are extremely fragile.


The Tentacled One
"I think it aberrant, to find such extravagance in such a terrible place. Even so, I would not hazard to extricate these items: they would not likely survive the journey out. If one of you wishes to attempt the feat, feel free to."

Are any of us able to tell what make the goblets and/or wine might be. I doubt that goblins crafted these fine goblets and brewed this vintage. Maybe this can give us some idea of what we're dealing with. That, or the goblins stole the stuff. But this place is a puzzle (just like the last one, so I'm blaming Spidey for that). :)


Staff member
** No one in the party can tell who made the goblets or wine, but the dwarves can recognize that the goblets are of very fine craftsmanship.


Staff member
Correction made. And just to be clear, the wine bottles are fragile also...

You exit the room and head south to the other door.


The Tentacled One
*Attempts again!* Or does it work that way with these rules? Can I try again with presumably some amount of time taken for each attempt, or does failure mean total failure?