D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


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The big hairy goblin is near the rear of the forge with the hobgoblins in between, Bertrem. You'll have to fight them first before reaching him :)


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Since there are two hobgoblins pretty close to the entrance, Cugel, Rondo, and Kurik focus their bows on them. Cugel misses, Rondo hits one right in the eye and brings him down, and Kurik misses.

Patrick casts his Sleep spell (you have used up all your spells now) and the remaining hobgoblins and the hairy goblin fall prey to it.

The shackled dwarf says, "Aye, but it's good to see friendly faces again! Give me some minutes so I can get these dang chains off!"


Staff member
Since there are two hobgoblins pretty close to the entrance, Cugel, Rondo, and Kurik focus their bows on them. Cugel misses, Rondo hits one right in the eye and brings him down, and Kurik misses.

Patrick casts his Sleep spell (you have used up all your spells now) and the remaining hobgoblins and the hairy goblin fall prey to it.

The shackled dwarf says, "Aye, but it's good to see friendly faces again! Give me some minutes so I can get these dang chains off!"


Staff member
*Works on freeing the shackled dwarf while asking where he's from, what clan he's part of, etc., in Dwarvish.*


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Cugel begins slashing throats while Rondo converses with the dwarf in dwarven. Kurik keeps a lookout at the entrance.


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Rondo, satisfied with the reply in Dwarvish, switches over to common and asks the captive how he came to be captured.


Staff member
The dwarf looks disgusted. "I came in here with some others, thinking there was just some small goblin problem, and it turns out there's a whole bunch of others down here. We ran into a group that we couldn't handle and everyone was killed but myself. Well, I would have been, but a blow knocked me out instead. When I came to, I found myself a prisoner and when they found out I had skill at the smithy, they put me to work making weapons and stuff for them."


We're also trying to deal with this menace. Are you well enough to join us? At least until we can get you back to the surface? I think we saw some equipment you could use recently. It was fortunate for you they found a use for you and kept you alive, I would not be as lucky I presume.

Are you injured?

We'll rest up here (for our turn) Then proceed.


Staff member
*Shouldn't we look to find an opportunity to rest and recharge our spells and such?*


I realize I'm more useful as a spellcaster than a dagger thrower... but, we should maximize our time here. We will recoup spells soon enough - for the most part the Party is doing good healthwise.


Staff member
*I mistook:
Spiderman;284179 said:
Patrick casts his Sleep spell (you have used up all your spells now)...
To mean the party was depleted on spells, not just Patrick, so yeah, if that's not the case we should go on instead...:)*


Staff member
**The only one that has a slight more than a scratch is Rondo, but just slightly more.

**I only mentioned that Patrick used up his spells because I'm not sure you guys are keeping character sheets of your own and between the starts and stops, I can see how you might get confused with how many spells you have left :)

The dwarf answers Patrick, "Sure, I'd be glad to join you and help smash them. They didn't let me out of this room and my cell (he points to a 10x10 room in the south wall) so I can't help you with where things are, but I do know that they're gearing up for some sort of attack on Guido's Fort. I've been making weapons for so long, they gotta be used for something. So anything we see that can help delay them, like caches of supplies, weapons, etc. will help to hinder them. And there's a leader of some sort who styles himself a "king" (he spats at that), so killing him might cause this lot to fall apart as goblinoids are prone to do.

I'll just take this hammer, it's an old friend now (he picks up his forging hammer next to him) and this shield (he takes a shield from one of the hobgoblins) and I'm good. Name's Gareth."