D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Staff member
** Torchlight only goes 30'. So that's the limit of how far away you can stand and see the statue (and presumably you have someone there next to you holding the torch :)


Isengar Tussle
As he slinks out of the room, Wilhelm wonders a loud, "Why don't they put the torch near the statue so that no one is holding it and he can get farther away?"


Wilhelm has a good plan. I will stand next to him though too. I think we'll be ok.


Staff member
** So Wilhelm and Patrick are outside the room? I may have to assign other positions if no one else replies (although I guess it's really just DF at this point


I will stand close to the door, but inside the room to assist if there is a complication.


Staff member
** Oops, sorry TomB Forgot about you for a moment :rolleyes:

Kurik will stay in the room and cover Cugel also.

So someone places a torch in the middle of the room and Cugel, Bertrem, and Kurik stay just inside while everyone else stays just outside (a longbow can shoot up to 70' and still be considered "close range" to get a bonus "to hit"). Cugel takes a deep breath, nocks an arrow to his new longbow, and releases... and feels the power of the longbow within his arms. This is definitely magical, probably a +1 longbow. Even as he exults in this knowledge, his eyes (and everyone else's) follows the arrow's flight and sees it hit the statue's head. However, it must have set off something because moments later, the mouth drops and 4 3' creatures that look to be killer bees come swarming out. They fly around the head at first and don't seem to see you at the door though...

Round 1 - Party has initiative.


"I had thought about that too, however I really want one of them gems...hard decision (though it better be a fast one)"


The Tentacled One
Come on guys. Those gemstones wouldn't be trapped if they were worthless. They're either valuable enough to want to trap or actually important in some way. Well, I suppose it could also be that the DM wants to laugh as we go to all this effort to acquire some sugar crystals, but since the DM is Spidey and not me, that seems unlikely. Anyway, there are only three of these things and bees aren't usually very venomous. I think we have a shot at killing them or driving them off without sustaining any serious damage ourselves, but I'd rather take them out with a spell if we have one available...

Spidey: if we try shooting at the bees, do we get some sort of penalty on account of them being so small?


Staff member
** There's actually four bees, each about 3' big. Which means no, there's no penalty since they're the size of a small halfling or dwarf :) But even still, this is just Basic D&D, so no penalties or bonuses for size. There's just penalties/bonuses for range (which I already said you're in short range for a longbow, so you get a +1 bonus to hit).


Bertrem will whip out his sling and start firing until they close withing melee range and then will engage with his mace.


The Tentacled One
So I think we have four bowmen. Can we have all four start shooting at these things or are only Kurik and I close enough? If we did manage to all hit a bee, we'd take them out before they got close enough to threaten anyone anyway, although I'm guessing we won't get that lucky...


Staff member
** Well, it's not a matter of who's close enough but if there's enough room. You have whoever's in the room plus someone outside could be in the doorway. So I think that's would be three bowmen and Bertrem as the slinger? for now, unless others want to move into the room as well.


If I recall these are poisonous... An odd choice for inside a cave...

I will expend a sleep spell in order to prevent poisoning...


Staff member
** Just as a note, combat order is missile, spells, and the melee... so whoever wants to fire some missiles before the sleep spell is cast should speak up :)


The Tentacled One
*Cugel is having far too much fun with his new longbow to let some sleep spell take the fun out of everything. He'll fire.*