D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings




(When we're done here, a thought occurred to me - sort of evil elfish thought... we could knock on the locked door and see what happens...)


Well, as this is an evil type of deity, I say we should have our resident trap finder make sure it is safe, and then destroy said statue and keep the gemstones...


Staff member
You find that the gem in the right eye socket seems to be connected to the statue's mouth; that springing it will open the mouth.


Is that a bad thing? a good thing? or just a thing? (Asking this of the trap-finder)


I would suggest that this seems like a trap - it probably releases a noxious gas from it's mouth...

I would also suggest that our "stealthy" members could attempt to disarm the trap now that they know it's there.


The Tentacled One
Well, that all depends. If the entire trap is inside the skull, it would be pretty difficult to disarm. Honestly, I'm more interested in finding out what the trap is than in getting that gem, but no need to kill any party members over it.

*Cugel will double-check to make sure that the gem in LEFT eye-socket is not trapped. If it isn't, he'll stand on the RIGHT side of the skull, have everyone else move a comfortable distance away, and (while staying off to the side) pluck the gem from the LEFT eye socket.*


Staff member
Your cautiousness has served you well. Now that you know what to look for, you find that the left gem is indeed trapped the same way and connected to the mouth (although it's a separate connection). Thus, removing either gem will cause the mouth to open.


Is there a way to wedge the mouth shut? Maybe that will prevent the mouth from releasing it's trap...


The Tentacled One
"Ah, but we are not even able to ascertain how powerful the spring is, and we cannot be sanguine that keeping the mouth closed would affect what trap might be triggered. Perhaps if I had a small hammer or other implement, I could crush the top of the skull and examine this device more closely. Alternatively, it may not be worth the risk..."


Well, breaking the skull could equally spring the trap...

We could tie a wet cloak or something around the mouth to keep whatever emerges from being spread about... Unless it's lava or something, but that wouldn't be as fast a concern...

It could also be flame, so we should be wary of standing in front of the thing - given it's volcanic nature, I wonder if flame is more appropriate - it could even be part of a ceremony with a visual trigger...

Or, we could simply leave well enough alone. :)

I don't care what we do, but we should decide soon, do it, and continue.


The Tentacled One
How high is the statue's head? What I want to do is smack the back of the skull with the hilt of my shortsword enough to crack it (pumice should crack pretty easily). Is this feasible without standing on the dais?


Staff member
** No, the statue is pretty much encircled by the dais. The dais forms a half-circle against the east wall, with the diameter 20'. The statue sits pretty much close to the wall right in the center. There's also a step in front of the dais.


The Tentacled One
What was I thinking? I want to get a closer look at the inside of the skull and I also want to test out that new bow. A longbow should have enough power to crack pumice. I'll want to stand at a safe distance and caution everyone else to do the same...


OK, and I want you to not stand in front of the statue, but off to the side (or at an angle) It could launch a projectile.


I would say as far as possible. :)

For those of us not shooting the bow, in the hallway to the side of the door! (but don't close the door so our friend can make a quick exit if need be.


The Tentacled One
BigBlue;279814 said:
I would say as far as possible. :)

For those of us not shooting the bow, in the hallway to the side of the door! (but don't close the door so our friend can make a quick exit if need be.
Yep. I do need light enough light to get a good shot, though. Other than that concern, it's certainly prudent to have other people in the hall. Maybe one or two people staying in the room to cover me in case something is triggered and it's weird like a summoning monsters trap or something like that. But this probably won't trigger any traps anyway--I hope.