D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


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train;262644 said:
(Will keep a post up here, watching the room, unless thr group heads off - will then join...)
*On second thought, since this is the last post made by Train I think maybe Si'Nat can continue on without the bow...Perhaps Cugel could use it? ;)*


The Tentacled One
I forget if Cugel has a shortbow or a longbow. Either way he'll take the ornate longbow. After all, it is ornate.

"Perhaps I should test this on something prior to relying on the integrity of its construction in live combat. Hm..."


Staff member
** Yeah, train's been MIA for a while... I remember him saying that work was overwhelming it at the moment, I guess it still is...

Wilhelm takes the shield and Cugel take the bow. Cugel casts his eyes around for something to test the bow on...

** You had a short bow before. And there's nothing else visible in the room besides the bodies.


The Tentacled One
*Cugel won't shoot at the bodies. It seems too disrespectful. He'll stick with the shortbow if we're ambushed in the immediate future and wait until we come across something more suitable before performing any test.*


Staff member
The party heads back east and checks the door and finds no traps and doesn't hear anything behind the door.


Seems as safe as any other door we may find, I say go ahead...


Staff member
This room seems to actually be a giant birdcage. Having heard the door open, a flock of brightly colored birds take to the air from a number of perches. They utter piercing shrieks as they zoom towards you.

You barely manage not to be surprised. :)

Round 1: Party has initiative.


Staff member
"I'm fer leavin'!" Rondo yells, as he back out and closes the door again, "lessen you lads think there be treasure in there!"


Isengar Tussle
Wilhelm mutters,'"If those birds are still alive, there must be magic that is keeping them that way...." He pipes up with,"I am all for going on and getting out of these perilous depths."


Staff member
Kurik says, "But isn't it weird that it's a birdcage? Who'd want to keep something like that? But yeah, I don't need to go in there if you guys don't wanna..."


I'm all for not going in there too... but, was there natural light coming down?

That is very strange... Some sort of Messenger service perhaps?


Staff member
"So I guess that leaves going back west then," remarks Kurik. The party tramps west, past the door with the bodies, and goes another 50' before coming to the N-S corridor with the door in the west wall (which you've been in). So as it stands, the two immediate unexplored areas close by are going to the north right here OR traveling south, going through the door in the west, going west, and exploring the corridor going south (see maps to refresh memory).

