D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings



This room is not exactly secure... Nor is it easy to secure... And, we've allowed several escapees who will warn of our existence and position...

And, I'm ok, thanks... it's my spells I need to recover.


Isengar Tussle
I see, you want to sleep..... yeah, well then we better get the rest of these mighty warriors moving to somewhere truly safe......


Staff member
Kurik says, "Well, I'm grabbing the coins before we go." As he does so, Wilhelm casts his Cure Light Wounds on him, which looks like it totally heals him. "My thanks," Kurik says.

Looking at the maps of the area, Kurik says, "t doesn't look like there's too many out of the way places - most of what w've found so far seem to be in high-traffic areas, like the way to the stairs for instance. The best defensible position seems to be this room here (he points to the small room up north on this level). It's small, no one was there, it seemed unused, and there's that secret passage from the room to this corridor that presumably they don't know about. So some of us, like the fighters, could hole up in the room and the weaker guys could hole up in the tunnel so in case we're surprised, they're out of the way and can come support if necessary."


Staff member
"All right, I'm grabbing the coins before we go," and Kurik scoops the coins into his backpack.

You guys head out and back north to the room. About halfway there, you hear a skittering in the corridor ahead of you and 8 Giant Centipedes heave into you. Surprised, you stand and stare while the Centipedes also halt, milling around as if they're not sure what to do. Surprise round passes

Round 2 - Monsters have initiative.

Taking your inaction as not a threat to them, they mill off back the way they came and disappear down the corridor.

Heaving a sigh of relief, you continue on to the secret passage and room and find it unoccupied.



(* good thing the Elf is awol or we'd be fighting... :) *)

Let's do as Kurik advised and rest.

I will switch my spells to 2 sleep... seems to be the most effective.


Isengar Tussle
Wilhelm collapses in the corner, feeling the fatigue he has never felt before....
Taking out his map he has been making, he says pointing to his rough sketch," Well, I think we are here and that we may need to travel to the west to get out of here. You people decide, I am eating a little and getting some much needed rest."


Staff member
Patrick takes an iron spike from his backpack and spikes the door shut to prevent "curious eyes". The spellcasters sit down and memorize their spells and everyone eats a hearty dinner. The watch is set up and everyone else drifts to sleep...

Nothing happens during the night; maybe a few bumps and noises but no one tries the door.

Morning arrives and you guys eat breakfast and are ready to head out...


(* Time to go! Whoopee! *)

As far as healing goes... who is still injured, and how badly?


Staff member
Cugel, Si'Nat, Rondo, and Bertrem are all wounded, with the first three pretty minor and Bertrem between minor and medium.


I say we have someone cast a curative spell on Bertram before we head out to bring him into "minor" damage... I'd like to make sure no one is a "1-hit" wonder who'll drop with one "average" hit... I know I don't have many HP so I'm always a 1 hit wonder... :) But I'd like to make sure our others aren't.

Then we'll proceed back towards where we left off once we've eaten breakfast.


Staff member
Well, that would be Bertrem or Wilhelm, your clerics... or he can use a Potion or Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (you have 10 Scrolls and 9 Potions)


I would prefer a spell... keep the supplies as long as possible...

"Cleric, Heal thyself!"


Staff member
All right, Bertrem casts a Cure Light Wounds spell on himself which brings him up to "scratch" range. You guys set out to return to the last room and are just passing the first entrance to the big area where you fought the wolves when you meet four goblins coming up from the south. Neither of you seem surprised so...

Round 1 - Party has initiative.