D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Staff member
** He did drink the Potion in post #830, although I said "for" instead of "before". :) It probably would have better had you guys stepped away from the door back into the corridor instead of entering the room :)


Staff member
**Well, anyhow he's not going to back away from goblins in any event (unless he's almost dead anyways), so just fight it out already - this encounter's been going on for more than a month now, and no one else (apparently) can get an action in (unless we still have an uncast Sleep spell handy), so let's just get it over with...:)**


I don't know what Train's spell status is... but I'm fresh out...

(* This adventure's been going on for almost 18 months... and I don't feel any nearer to it's conclusion than I did when it started... not knocking anyone... but that's the nature of this forum game w/ a lot of non-participants... I wish I'd have chosen something other than a mage, it woulda been more helpful I think. *)


Staff member
** Yeah, it's been slow, slower since really, there's only three of you w/o train, who was speeding it along... I think one of you might have to take his place and make the decisions... if you ever gain some levels, you'll be more helpful :)

Bottom of Round 3

Rondo and Kurik swing at their attackers - Rondo misses but Kurik slashes a wound in one of his opponents.

Round 4 - Party gets initiative.

Rondo finally gets in a mighty blow, slaying on goblin on the spot. Kurik hits the same hobgoblin but still fails to kill it.

The two remaining goblins and two hobgoblins miss Rondo and Kurik.

Round 5 - Party gets initiative.

Rondo hits and kills another goblin. They're no match for dwarven power! Kurik misses though.

The death of three of their comrades seems to have disheartened the remaining combatants. They flee towards the opposite side of the room (the east side) and try to exit towards the door there.


We need to find a place to heal up and rest before proceding any further.

Who's present:
Kurik (NPC)
Si'Nat - rarely


Staff member
Rondo pursues the goblins, attacking if/when he gets an opportunity, and hopefully by finally getting out of the doorway will allow our other party members to use their missile weapons to help take the goblins out.


Staff member
Round 6 - Monsters get initiative

The goblin and hobgoblins move across the room and open the door in the east wall.

Rondo and Kurik pursue, Rondo hits and kills the last goblin while Kurik hits the previous unwounded hobgoblin and now... wounds him.

The other party members prepare to enter the room in support when they see the door in the south wall open (the one 10' away outside the room) and a troop of hobgoblins enter....


I think the Fecal Matter just hit the proverbial Rotating Blades...

Throw Daggers at the entering Group and try to find a defensive position...

*Si'Nat doesn't have any Sleep spells left, does he?*


Staff member
**Please define "troop"...On second thought, never mind...;)**

Rondo renews his dwarven war cry and attempts to finish off the hobgoblins he was pursuing. Once they are dead he relentlessly attacks the "troop" until they too, meet their demise...:)


Staff member
** I still have Patrick as having a Magic Missile spell left...

Round 7 - Monsters get initiative

The two hobgoblins escape through the door.

The first two hobgoblins of the new troop rush forward and attack Bertrem and Wilhelm (since Cugel and Si'Nat were closest to the door trying to get arrow fire into the room previously). One scores a hit on Bertrem for some damage, not serious.

Si'Nat casts his last Sleep spell on the group and four slump over, the two that were attacking and two behind them. Unfortunately, the remainder of the troop looks a lot more than four...

Kurik, upon hearing the cries and sounds of combat behind him (since he's in the room with Rondo) yells back, "Get inside and either shut the door or try to hold them off as they enter!"


(* Thanks Spidey - I have been saving it for any spellcasters as an interruption *)

(*Actually, upon further thought, I recall using it on a fleeing Goblin when we entered this place... but maybe that was a dagger...)


The Tentacled One
How close is Cugel to the door at this point? Will it be easier for him to try to hold his ground or cover a retreat into the other room like Kurik wants to do?


Staff member
** Cugel is right at the door's edge/entry way. He was right behind Rondo and Kurik when those two were actually in the room fighting. So basically, you're blocking the door unless you move :)


Can I get a "refresh"...

We're in a non-described room w/ doors in the ** (where we came from) ** wall, South wall (where the current hobgobs came from, and East wall (where the earlier group of hobgobs fled to).

There are 4 sleeping hobgobs here (I'll gladly start slitting throats if there's no immediate threat).

We killed all of the fleeing ones? or are some still around...

And there are 3 open doors to this room... which has furniture (a table they were seated at as I recall)...

What if anything am I missing?



Isengar Tussle
"There are monsters in here with me...... ,"Screams Wilhelm as he turns and runs toward the door where the other fighting has taken place.....(Where Rondo is)


Staff member
Since the hobgoblins he was pursuing are gone, Rondo closes the door they left through and comes back to the group, attacking any enemies that come close.

**Does Rondo speak hobgoblin Spidey? I don't remember...:confused:**


Staff member
** No, you don't speak Goblin. Si'Nat (as an elf) does though.


You guys were in a N-S corridor with a door to the east and a door 10' to the south. You opened the east door and found a group of hobgoblins and goblins. Rondo and Kurik entered the room and were attacked by them, thus preventing any further movement into the room by the heros. Due to their skill at arms and their sturdy armor, they beat back the attack and caused some of the monsters to flee to the other side of the room (the east end). Rondo and Kurik pursued and slayed a couple while a few escaped out the door. During this pursuit, that door in the southern part of the corridor outside the room opened and a bunch more hobgoblins poured through. Si'Nat put to sleep four of the them but the rest kept coming.

So you have Rondo and Kurik inside the room at the east end.
Cugel, Si'Nat, Wilhelm, Patrick, and Bertrem outside the room to the west.
Hobgoblins coming from the south outside the room to the west.
Cugel and Si'Nat are the closest to the door - they have to go through first before the rest of the party can go through.
Patrick, Bertrem, and Wilhelm can either fight, flee up the north part of the corridor (where you came from the big room with the wolves), or wait until Cugel and Si'Nat move before entering the room themselves.


* This is bad.... really bad.... Thanks for the update, at least I get what's going on now.

* About how many are advancing after the sleep?

I propose the party (Bertram, Wilhelm, & Myself first) retreat partway up the N Hall, then have Cugel & Si'Nat take positions in front of us w/ Missile fire if they can, and melee otherwise... this should make it possible for Kurik & Rondo to get behind them... or at least draw some attention away from the rest of us - and us from them.