D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


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You rest and look at the ring. It doesn't have any inscriptions or identifying marks.

Everyone takes turns listening at the door and checking for traps: no one finds any traps, but Patrick hears the murmurs of something behind the door.


Isengar Tussle
"Oh no, why does he always hear the bad things," Laments Wilhelm, "Don't open it, it will be our death."


Standard door opening procedure when on alert...

(Be cautious and we'll open the door - I think it's best our Dwarf opens it with both bowmen ready - and WILLING in Si' Nats case)

Then we can rush in as needed... :)


Staff member
Rondo was bringing up the rear watching our backs because he's wounded (*and his controller's been busy with school), but since it appears he needs to be the one to open the door he shuffles forward, axe in hand, grumbles something under his breath about bloodthirsty elves and pacifist humans, and opens the door with an ancient dwarven battle cry!


Staff member
You see a group of goblins and hobgoblins seated around two tables and three wooden benches. Hearing your cry, they jump up and rush the door to attack!

Round 1 - Party has initiative.


Staff member
Rondo moves out to meet the charge and attacks an enemy (whatever's closest), allowing the rest of the party to (hopefully) be able to also come through the door and join the fray...:)


Staff member
Bertrem gives Rondo a Healing Potion which he drinks for he and Kurik step inside to meet the charge. Si'Nat and Cugel fire away but only Si'Nat hits although he fells a goblin.

The goblins cluster around Rondo since he's a dwarf but only two can attack and both miss. Two hobgoblins attack Kurik but he avoids their blows as well.

Round 2 - Party has initiative.


Throw Daggers when I can... (we need to rest and recover magic...) :eek:


Staff member
Rondo attacks the nearest enemy with his axe, and continues to attack enemies until the battle is over...:)


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Kurik and Rondo are blocking the door from inside so no missile weapons can be fired.

Rondo attacks one of the goblins and miss. Kurik slashes at one of the hobgoblins and fells it with a thrust to the chest.

The two goblins attack Rondo and miss. Another hobgobin steps over the fallen one, keeping two attacking Kurik, but he takes the blows on his shield.

Round 3 - Monsters get initiative.

Rondo and Kurik absorb more attacks from the goblins and hobgoblins and a blow gets through to Kurik, though not a serious one.

Party's turn.


Staff member
** Well, the two fighters are right up against the doorway inside the room and pressed by the monsters so they can't move away yet. But if and when there's room, Cugel will move up.


Staff member
Rondo, finally slowing down from his initial battle frenzy enough to take stock of the situation, realizes how exposed he and Kurik are, so he shouts "fall back lad!" to Kurik and starts backing towards the door, thinking that by fighting side by side in the doorway they can limit the number of enemies that can strike at them at one time.


Staff member
Okay, well, since the group can't join us and we can't seem to execute an orderly retreat or flanking maneuver, instead of shouting for Kurik to back off instead Rondo renews his battle frenzy and attacks the goblins in a furious battle lust, not slowing until either he or the goblins are dead.

**You know, this whole encounter would have happened a lot more smoothly if Rondo had downed the potion prior to opening the door, which is what he would have chosen to do had he known he was going to down a potion at all, but w/e...;)**