D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


The Tentacled One
BigBlue said:
I propose the party (Bertram, Wilhelm, & Myself first) retreat partway up the N Hall, then have Cugel & Si'Nat take positions in front of us w/ Missile fire if they can, and melee otherwise... this should make it possible for Kurik & Rondo to get behind them... or at least draw some attention away from the rest of us - and us from them.
We'll do that.


Staff member
** The 10' space between the east door to the room and the south door from whence they came is filled, so at least 6, probably more.

You guys are the players but since there's only about four active and on at different times, from a tactical standpoint, I think that's a bad decision. You're spreading yourself out and your strongest fighters are in the room - Cugel is just a Thief, meaning he doesn't have the strongest armor or the HP to bear a melee assault. Bertrem, being a cleric, has much better armor and a decent amount of HPs. So if anything, he and Si'Nat should stand together. But I think the best option is to create a bottleneck where your best fighters could defend the party/attack and have Bertrem or Si'Nat step in if needed while not exposing the whole party to attack, and that's in the room and keeping them in the doorway (basically a reverse of the encounter with the first set of goblins and hobgoblins)


Well... I was thinking/hoping that we were facing fewer than 6 (not potentially more than 6 hobgoblins)... Also, I was under the impression we wouldn't have time to put our fighters up front, so I was trying to manage the time we have.

I guess my feeling is this, I made a plan, we started activating it... (I wish I were a fighter now... I'd simply rush them to keep them in the southern door whilst Kurk & Rondo joined...) I agree we should switch if there is a better option than Cugel standing up...

If we have enough time to instead all pile into the room, and still allow the fighters to step up to the door (your plan), then let's do that instead... but time is a limited resource at the moment.


Staff member
** Well, you gotta remember, this is Basic D&D, so really, combat is made up of whoever gets initiative, then movement, missiles, spells, and melee. You all are clustered by the door so you could move in single-fileish and on one side of the room (say the north wall) then the fighters could move in behind you and cover the door having stayed near the south side (so they wouldn't get in your way)).

However, you can only do this if you gain initiative on this next round because no one's currently engaged by the monsters at the moment. If the monsters win and close in melee, then you can't move as much.


I guess I'd rather go with my plan then - but swap Cugel w/ Bertram based on AC etc.

We have this round to start doing it, then if we win or lose initiative, it won't hurt us as much... or am I missing something?

My fear is, if we lose initiative... well, I'm going to be caught outside w/o much support since I'm close to the back... and I know I don't have the AC/HP to stand up to more than 1 round.


Staff member
** All right, your plan it is...

Round 8 - Party gets initiative

Wilhelm dashes through the door and into the room, presumably to the safety of the stronger fighters :)

Patrick and Cugel retreat about 10' north in the corridor, with Bertrem and Si'Nat in front of them (and closest to the hobgoblins). You guys *are* able to fire missile weapons since you didn't move more than 15', so an assortment of arrows, dagger, and sling stone go flying towards the front rank of the hobgoblins - an arrow hits one of the hobgoblins right in the eye and fells it and a dagger and slingstone hit the hobgoblin behind it, combining to kill that one.

Rondo and Kurik move up to the door for the flanking maneuver.

The hobgoblins, seeing that six of their number has fallen due to spells and death, noisily retreat back through the south door.



Slit throats on the sleeping ones post haste... If anyone wants to at least pursue the now fleeing ones at least to the doorway - and see what we'll be facing soon, now's the time.

(Did any of them hobgoblins the other way escape?)

We'll have a bit of respite here, but I fear they will return shortly and in larger numbers. We need to find a place to hole up and plan. Food supplies are running low, Offensive spells are down to almost nil... Do we have any healing spells left?


Staff member
Yes, the first set of hobgoblins already escaped.

I think the clerics have their healing spells, plus you have those Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds and Potions that you bought before the adventure.


Let's head back to town - and fill up on rations & rest...

We'll come back refreshed and ready...

Loot the hobgoblins before we leave, and quickly check the room out.


Staff member
Rondo agrees, if for no better reason than that the hobgoblins will likely be back soon and will probably be bringing friends...:)


Staff member
** Just a note, you have plenty of food and lots of Healing items (9) and the clerics spells... you don't have to go all the way back to town and rest up. I would say just find a room you've already been in to hole up, or even go back above the surface, but going back to town would take awhile... I'll let you go if you really want to though ;) It's just a lot of wandering monsters going to and fro town...


I'm sorry to ask this again, but how much food do we have, and how far is it to town...

I keep thinking we're low on food - maybe it's because it's taken MONTHS for us to get here, rather than the days or weeks it did in game time... :)

Since we have enough, then we will hole up in a room we can defend well.

But, we haven't found any "good" foodstores here to supplement our supplies.


Staff member
** You have about a week's supply of food - some of you were smart and got like 3 weeks of food before you set out, others didn't, so you guys are sharing... It's probably half a day to a day back to the river and town, now that you have a path back...


Ahhh... well then, in that case, we're fine... for some reason I thought it was a week back to the river... (I made the mistake of not bringing enough Gold or I'd have more rations... I don't know what I was thinking...) I didn't want the weight, so I bought Gems - and I don't really want to exchange them in this frontier town for food... (I'm guessing the exchange here is weak) :)

We'll slit the throats of the sleeping hobgoblins (if we haven't already).
Loot all the Dead bodies.
Search the room to the East (or west - it's been awhile). Is there any way to barricade any of the doors w/ tables etc?
And head back towards the surface to a room we can secure ourselves in.



Isengar Tussle
Wilhelm examines his companion's for damage and casts his one cure light wounds on whoever is most in need.


Staff member
** Sorry for the delay, I think I just dreaded rolling for wandering monsters and all :)

Okay, so you guys slit the throats of the sleeping goblins and search their bodies, finding just swords and shields. The ones in the hallway join the ones in the room to the east and you can barricade the doors with the tables and benches. There's a mix of gold and silver coins on the two tables.

Wilhelm examines the party members and finds that Bertrem and Kurik are tied for the most seriously wounded.


Staff member
** I know I shouldn't be the one to talk but to keep it kinda moving... whatcha wanna do at this point? Wilhelm, who do you wanna heal?


Isengar Tussle
We are in a room for resting..... hmmmm, maybe you are hurt worse than you think..... Let me check the thick skull of your's.... take any nasty bumps?