D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


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Oversoul: www.usajobs.gov :D

That's the thing, you can't really tell which set of buildings are closer because of the trees and stuff. All three sets are pretty much the same way. So you'll just have to pick a direction :)


Isengar Tussle
"Well this is a fantastic opportunity to add these to my maps..... I wonder if we can get a better vantage point to view the layout?" Uncharacteristically Wilhelm hurries toward the nearest structures clawing through his pack to find parchment.


Staff member
Again, you can't really tell which set of buildings are "nearest". You just gotta pick a direction and go for it.


Staff member
** You mean NE, right?

** I forgot to say one square = 20'

You travel for four turns, rest for 1, and another 2 turns as you get closer to the set of NE buildings. You can see the undergrowth to the north looks to be an overgrown garden, but now filled with brambles. There appears to be two rows of columns, some fallen, followed by upright columns down to the (now) SE, past the vent in the earth and in front of the E (now SE) set of buildings, with the water to the south coming close to the south row of columns.

You can see a pair of double doors to the east/northeast at that set of buildings.



Staff member
As Cugel and Si'Nat move towards the door to start their searching, three groups of three goblins each pop out from the overgrown garden edge that's facing the door! Luckily Wilhelm, still watching the rear, caught the movement in time and warned the party so you're not surprised!

Round 1 - Party has initiative.


Isengar Tussle
But, I am closest to them..... ieeeeee........

Wilhelm runs in terror, or is it bravery..... hmmmmm.... any who, he runs at the goblins that are blocking his retreat, or what he sees as his retreat. He hides behind.... er.... holds up his shield to protect his head and runs into the advancing group, or are they retreating........


Staff member
In goblin, Rondo shouts out: "LOOK OUT! A FROST GIANT!!!!!" and points behind and above the goblins, then while they're distracted (hopefully) he slides forward in front of Wilhelm and attacks the nearest goblin with his axe...:)


Isengar Tussle
Wilhelm hears the shout concerning giants and this spurs him on to greater flight.... er... greater determination to get by... er rid of the goblins......
He flails with his club....er... shield and sprints toward the doors....er..... a better vantage point to lend aid where needed......


Staff member
** Okay, hold up. As you can see on the map, the party is in between the doors and the garden (and a little south of them). The goblins are coming from the garden - roughly slightly NW of you. So you're either heading towards the goblins - NW - or heading towards the doors - NE.


Staff member
** Sorry for taking so long, I was hoping train would get on

** Just to be clear, there are three sets of three goblins coming at you.

Rondo yells at the goblins but they aren't fooled. In fact, they in turn shout "DWARF!!" (in Goblin) and veer towards Rondo.

Patrick's dagger takes one in the leading group right in the eye and he drops.
Cugel's arrow hits another one in the leading group in the chest.
Kurik's arrow misses.

Rondo manages to get in front of Wilhelm and stop his progress towards the goblins. He takes a swing at one of the goblins in the leading group but his blow is deflected by its shield.

The two goblins in the leading group attack Rondo, but their blows miss.

The other two groups run up towards Rondo and Wilhelm and are close within melee range.

Round 2 - Goblins win initiative.

Rondo and Wilhelm are effectively surrounded by the goblins, who seem to concentrate all of their attacks on Rondo. He manages to avoid and deflect all but two of them.


To clarify sleep - do I run the risk of putting my party to sleep like it did in AD & D?

I haven't had to cast it in a group yet - or if I did it was so long ago I forgot...



Isengar Tussle
Putting his back to Rondo's back, Wilhelm (with raised shield) starts to run away.... well, more like charge..... yeah that's it... charges bravely into the goblins in the rear.... er.. those attacking from behind.......