D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Isengar Tussle
Wilhelm follows along trying to map what he sees. He soon discovers that map making while hiking is very difficult .....


Staff member
I'm not sure by what you mean when you say "seen the NW region from here". Again, the terrain is very hilly and woodsy, so it's very hard to see around you unless you come out to a clearing. When you're on a trail, pretty much all you can see is what's in front of you and behind you - the sides are pretty much trees, even if you're on a "ridge" and right next to elevations.

But SW it is... you travel for 5 turns and come to a little clearing that is split by a stream coming from the SE which goes into a waterfall to the NW. The clearing slopes downward to the NW to the 240' elevation on both sides of the stream and waterfall.

(Notes on the map: the dark blue is the waterfall, the black line intersecting it is the elevation change)



Staff member
Kurik walks to the edge of the waterfall and looks down. He turns and points "What about that path down there that goes NW?"


Staff member
You spend a turn "climbing" down the hilly side to the base of the waterfall and another turn crossing the water. You travel a turn on the trail when a pair of what looks like to be flying anteaters come down the trail ahead of you...


Isengar Tussle
Uhm, maybe you guys should take care of this situation..... I'll keep an eye out of an .... ah... ambush.... yeah, don't want anything sneaking up on us, do we?


The Tentacled One
Flying anteaters!

Cugel will stay out of the way and won't attack unless the anteaters do. Maybe they eat the giant insects that live around here, and that seems like a good thing...


Staff member
Si'Nat lets loose with an arrow and hits the lead one. Giving out a snort of surprise? anger? the anteaters close with the party.


Staff member
"I reckon we fight 'cause o' the trigger-happy elf agin'...", mutters Rondo under his breath, as he also shoots his bow at the oncoming anteaters.