D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Staff member
It's facing the NE, across the clearing and beyond. Turning to look, you can't really see anything remarkable, just the treetops from the lower elevations.


Isengar Tussle
I don't know, but let's look out from here an see if we can add to our map. That might give us an idea of what course to plot.....

Or maybe the statue will give a clue to you more traveled fellows....

What does the statue look like? Is it part of the rock or just set here?


Staff member
Because the statue is at the highest point of the clearing AND faces NE (pretty much the direction from which you have come), you don't see anything new to add to your map.

The statue is of a fat, squatting, vaguely humanoid figure, whose face is twisted into a hideous leer. It isn't recognizable as one of the races you're familiar with. It's not part of the rock or hillside but has been placed here.


Staff member
Rondo checks the statue for anything out of the ordinary, like secret levers, doors, words, etc.


Staff member
Cugel looks around, but the ground is too rocky to tell anything. Besides, it looks like the statue has been here a LONG time, so any traces have long been removed. He does note that the path to the SW immediately climbs to a higher elevation through the trees, while the path to the NW seems to stay on this elevation, although sandwiched between elevations (in other words, to the left is the higher and to the right is the lower - it's kinda along a ridge, basically)

Wilhelm looks to the west, but just sees the higher elevation and trees.


Lets follow the ridge for now. Although I have to ask what our timeline is? We have a pickup scheduled for when and where?

I think we should at least head back to pick up supplies, plus give the frontiersmen hope since they've never seen anyone return. Then we can set up a different type of signal or whatever for our return - or maybe even have a scheduled resupply with food.


Staff member
As far as I know, you guys just arranged to set up a smoke signal when you wanted the fisherman to pick you up.


(leads the party along the ridge...)

"C'mon guys... let's see what else we can make histor of..."


Staff member
You follow the ridge NW for about 5 turns (1500') and come to a fork, where the path continues NW or you can go SW (all still on the same elevation).


"Well - if we've seen the NW region from up here... let's head SW and see what's that direction..."

(leads group SW)