D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


The Tentacled One
"All in favor of trying to sneak past or kill what are, in all probability, giant chiropterans, say, 'Aye.' No one? Well, I suppose we will just have to leave..."


Well now... if I'm going to have the chance to take these things on... I'll fire some shots..

(If possible - fires away...)

"Now - what do we have here..."


Staff member
So I assume Si'Nat is heading back to the SW cave by himself while everyone else heads towards the entrance?


The Tentacled One
Spiderman said:
So I assume Si'Nat is heading back to the SW cave by himself while everyone else heads towards the entrance?
Does Si'Nat have a torch? I think Train assumed we were still in the SW cave...


He's not by himself... If I can help, I will. I have a lantern, which I will shine in their eyes... If they like the dark, they probably hate the light. I will offer whatever assistance I can with thrown daggers as well.

If you are too squeamish for battle, stay behind. Otherwise, come forth with Si'Nat and I.


The Tentacled One
Still not sure if Train knew we weren't in the SW cave anymore, but if two of us are going back, the rest of us might as well go with them...


Staff member
Rondo's fer leavin, but if the elf insists on gittin himself killt he'll stay and watch, and he'll step in and help if one of the others looks like they're in danger...;)


Staff member
Yeah, I don't know if Si'Nat knew either, but since he's not on enough to verify, I have to assume he knew you guys were in the NW cave and he wants to take a pot shot at the things in the SW cave.

Rondo, so as long as only the elf is in trouble, you'll stay out of it? :)


The Tentacled One
Spiderman said:
Yeah, I don't know if Si'Nat knew either, but since he's not on enough to verify, I have to assume he knew you guys were in the NW cave and he wants to take a pot shot at the things in the SW cave.
He is going to get us all killed one of these times... :rolleyes:


Staff member
Let the elf hang if'n he's a gonna decide to attack then stop talkin' t' the rest of us! ;)


I didn't get that we were in the NW cave - so for now, I'll pass on the "kill 'em all" itch...

We can proceed from the NW cave to the exit as noted by Mooseman...

(Though I'm ready if'n the time comes...


Staff member
** Man, about a month spent on that "non attack"... :D

You emerge from the cave, blinking as the light hits your eyes. You spent a total of 28 turns in the cave (14 real turns but movement was halved because of all of the rocks and debris), so it's about 3:20 PM in the afternoon. So you're still at the rocky clearing on the side of the hill.


Staff member
No no, here's a report of #471 of what the clearing is:

The trail opens up into a clearing covered with rocks and boulders. It rises another 80' in elevation to the southwest, and at the top of the rocky hillside, you can see a hideous statue, carved from granite by some forgotten race. The statue is a fat, squatting, vaguely humanoid figure whose face is twisted into a hideous leer.

Down where you are, you can see a cave mouth opening about 300' away to the northeast.

There's another trail right next to you going south, and at the top of the hill, you can see a trail going northwest and a trail going southwest, right next to the statue.

** C is cave, S is statue, the black line running through the clearing is the elevation point going up to 320' above river level



Staff member
It takes three turns to cross the clearing and climb the hill to where the statue is. It's weather-worn and you surmise there must have been jewels for the eyes at some point, but they're long gone now.