D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


Isengar Tussle
Wilhem holds up his shield, readies his club and says, "Do you have to do that every time we meet someone?"


"Now I didn't do this in town... I'm just about ready for my second turn..."


Staff member
Bertrem can't readily rush to the attack since he's next to last in line.

Kurik yells, "Are you daft, dwarf and thief? Either get to action or move out of the way so others can!"


Staff member
** I took that to mean you were moving out of the humanoids way, not anyone in the party's way. Since Si'Nat did decide to attack, you haven't specified how you're going to "back him up". And since you're third in line (and most likely in the second rank should Rondo and Si'Nat choose to form a first rank), you ARE in Kurik's way, should he try to make his way to the front to fight since no one else aside from Si'Nat or Bertrem :)


Staff member
Rondo fell asleep while the others were climbing, so he's just waking up now...;)


The Tentacled One
Spiderman said:
** I took that to mean you were moving out of the humanoids way, not anyone in the party's way. Since Si'Nat did decide to attack, you haven't specified how you're going to "back him up". And since you're third in line (and most likely in the second rank should Rondo and Si'Nat choose to form a first rank), you ARE in Kurik's way, should he try to make his way to the front to fight since no one else aside from Si'Nat or Bertrem :)
So we were already back in marching order? :confused:


Right...I though we were kinda in a group since they just got down from the cliff...


Staff member
** Sorry, I guess when I said "No sooner had you started..." that was a bit unclear that you are in the marching order when you are having this encounter. :)

So I really need the front two guys to state what they're doing - aside from Si'Nat (who's always in action :) ) that's Rondo - and Cugel maybe to modify his actions? now that Si'Nat has decided to attack...



With only 4 of them, I'll observe the goings on...

(Don't want to lose daggers or spells...)

If things look like they're going badly for us, I'll sleep them.


Staff member
*Well since my obvious ploy to avoid stating an action has failed I guess I'll proceed as if I hadn't written anything before...:p*

If Rondo recognizes the humanoids and knows their language he will attempt communication before Si'Ko (lol) starts shooting. If the communication starts out friendly he'll try to keep the elf from ruining it, and will attempt to gather all the intel on the Hill from the humanoids he can, but if it turns ugly, or if Si'Nat gets his shots off first he'll also fire his bow at the humanoids. If they charge he'll drop the bow and use his axe to melee, but otherwise he'll keep firing at them from a distance.


Staff member
** Heh. I'm going to take a liberty here...

Rondo, you don't "recognize" them in the sense that you have actually met their kind before, but as an earth-dweller, you "know/recognize" that they are Neanderthals, another subterranean race and friendly towards dwarves and gnomes, but hate goblins and kobolds AND are at a blood-feud with ogres - they will attack them on sight. Unfortunately, you don't know Neanderthal. As you take a step forward to try to communicate in common, you see Si'Nat raise his bow behind you and you quickly turn and swat it down to prevent any "misunderstandings".


(Will hold action... ready to fire at any sign of danger...)

"I hope you can make this work..."


Staff member
Rondo will go forward towards the neanderthals and will attempt communication by saying hello in each language he knows to see if the neanderthals speak anything he IS familiar with. If they do have some common tongue then he will question them on their knowledge of the Hill, and it's inhabitants/stories. If this and all other attempts to communicate fail then I guess we'll let them pass unhindered.


Staff member
(they're neanderthal... don't they only know neanderthal?)
Guess you'll find out... :)

Rondo steps forward and tries communicating in his various languages, but the Neanderthals don't seem to understand any of them. Shrugging, Rondo gestures to the others to lower their weapons and let them pass. Cautiously, they do and disappear down the trail.