D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings



(Can't think of anything for the communication... a few - but they'd alert those on the trail...)

"Ready for the next round of sleep 'n' slice..."

(Grabs a two shields and a short sword...)

"Wilhelm - can you use a shield or sword?"

(Can I use one when I'm using a sword?)


Isengar Tussle

"Yes, the shield will do me well, along with this mismatched leather armor."
I will also try to get some sleep, since my watch is now over.


(I'll take one shield - won't really use the other and the shortsword... I was "taking" them to offer them to Wilhelm originally...)

"Well - when sword fighting, I might could use this shield... time to try and rest again..."


Staff member
** I have that Wilhelm already has a shield, just FYI

Question: Daybreak isn't until 7 AM, 12 hours from when Night fell. You guys made camp at 5 PM. I assume you went to bed at 7 PM, but anyway, since one side has four guys doing 2 hou shifts, that's 8 hours of sleep while the other side has 3 guys doing 3 hour shifts so that's 9 hours. How long are you guys actually sleeping?


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going to sleep, if I have to pull an extra hour watch in the AM to get us to daybreak I will... As long as that allows us to rest enough to recover spells. I suggest something similar on the other side. If we rest for 12 hours, with up to 4 hours watch time, we'd get 8 hours... minus interuptions...


Staff member
To get back spells, you need to be awake and in meditation or "study". It takes an hour.

Wilhelm, weight's not a factor here. Neither is damage, so I'll just keep the note that you have a shield.


Isengar Tussle
I'll sleep all 8 hours as I haven't used my healing spell and will just pray for a short time while the others are preparing to move in the morning.


Staff member
Are Cugel and Rondo still here? I know Bertrem is off and on due to his circumstances, but haven't heard from the other two in a while...

All right, the rest of the night passes without incident. Day breaks, you guys eat some breakfast and the spell-casters spend an hour to study (I need your list of spells for the day). Whatcha gonna do when you're all ready?


(2 sleep spells for me...)

"C'mon guys, let's head up the direction all our visitors were coming from last night..."


Isengar Tussle
1 cure light for me.

"You want to go where they were coming from? I thought we were headin to the hill?"


(* Still 1MM + 1 Sleep *)

I agree we should head towards where these foul vermin crept.


Staff member
Spiderman said:
Are Cugel and Rondo still here? I know Bertrem is off and on due to his circumstances, but haven't heard from the other two in a while...

All right, the rest of the night passes without incident. Day breaks, you guys eat some breakfast and the spell-casters spend an hour to study (I need your list of spells for the day). Whatcha gonna do when you're all ready?
*I guess Rondo was sleeping O master of the dungeon...:p*

Rondo wakes, performs his morning ablutions, catches breakfast, and assumes his normal position in the group...:p