D&D: Horror on the Hill: Beginnings


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Good thing you said that, I was going to have them have double shifts...

I'll post tomorrow what (if anything) happens...


Staff member
** Sorry, I forgot I took off yesterday :D

The underbrush is extremely thick and tangled. You spend a turn just trying to force your way in to about 50' (you guys never said how far in you want to go so that's what I'm assuming) and another turn clearing out a little area so you can make camp. Si'Nat cannot climb a tree; they're all about 60-80' high so only Cugel with his Climb skill can attempt it.

As you settle down for the last hour of daylight, you hear some talking on the trail. Two hobgoblins are coming down the trail from the west.




We'd better move... There'll be more patrols, unless you can make it look like some animal did it


Staff member
Easy enough... Si'Nat puts them to sleep and you kill 'em.

You make your way back to camp and settle in for the night...



(* We forgot to work out an alarm system to alarm the other side, so this is only to my 2 compatriots (Kurik and Bertrem), I hope the other watchman noticed as well *)

Psssst... Sorry to wake you early... But the dead have risen and are walking down the trail towards us... A group of Skeletons approach.

(* What did we do with the bodies of the Hobgobs? at least search them, I hope. And drag them off the trail? *)


(I should have mentioned a search...)

(in a whisper, and gently waking his compadres...)

"Skeletons coming up the trail, get ready to take them out....."

(readies the bow)


I'm not going to bother with throwing daggers for half damage and risk losing them in the undergrowth...

I will use Magic Missile on one...


Staff member
** About the hobgoblins, Patrick just mentioned making it look like animals did it as to not arose the suspicions of later patrols so I kinda assumed you "took care of them" in some way. But no searches were mentioned, so you didn't do that...

Round 1 - Party has initiative due to surprise.

Si'Nat lets fly an arrow from the brush and directly hits one of the lead skeletons! It goes down with a crash of bone. Cugel's arrow flies wide and into the brush beyond.

Patrick lets loose a Magic Missile at the second one in line which easily takes it down.

Bertrem holds his Holy Symbol aloft and mutters words to his god; four skeletons turn and flee back the way they came. There are two left that are incoming though.

Rondo, Kurik, and Wilhelm are still waking up and readying their weapons.

Round 2: Skeletons have initiative.

They both head towards Bertrem. He is able to dodge one blow and his armor takes the brunt of the second.

Your move: Any further missile fire will be at -2 due to the surrounding brush (and you're not out of it) and Bertrem's partial blocking due to melee combat.


(I'll maintain missile fire... charging over could take more time than firing once or twice... I'm a good shot, maybe -2 isn't so bad...using regular arrows)



Since they are up on me, I guess I had better beat them to death with my mace!


Staff member
Si'Nat fires and just misses Bertrem but goes on to hit a skeleton right in the arm and takes it off.

Bertrem swings wildly with his mace.
Rondo comes charging in but also misses.
Kurik closes in on a third side but misses.

Wilhelm, Cugel and Patrick stand confused.

Round 3 - Skeletons get initiative.

The wounded one attacks Bertrem again but misses.
The other one turns and attacks Kurik but misses.

Si'Nat fires and with careful accuracy, takes out the wounded one.

Bertrem swings and connects solidly with the remaining skeleton, smashing it to pieces.



"Whoa, no sign of anything during the day except a few oversized bees... But this place erupts at night!"

Search the hobgoblins, before I forget. Might as well search the skeletons remains as well.

Then, does anyone else think we might want to move away from the carnage? Or should we just stay close to it?