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  1. Shabbaman

    Masters sets

    The Game Day frame they use for the box toppers make for some very pretty cards though.
  2. Shabbaman

    Happy (early) New Year!

    Very nice! Bonus points for using only cards with the proper card frame.
  3. Shabbaman

    Happy (early) New Year!

    Early or late, right? Happy new year (which is what I made my EDH decks spell out in Dutch) :
  4. Shabbaman

    50 Games To Play At Work

    Every time someone clicks on a dead URL a kitten dies. More on topic: I like to play the "work" game at work.
  5. Shabbaman

    Merry (early) Christmas!

    Merry christmas to you and your families!
  6. Shabbaman

    What are your top 5 most memorable cards?

    The first three are easy. Survival of the Fittest Recurring Nightmare Hymn to Tourach RecSur is special to me. This was the deck that motivated me to look beyond the kitchen table. Hymn is probably the card that gave me the most fun playing it: the fear in the eyes, the minigame of trying to...
  7. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Rootwater Matriarch

    The thing with Ramses is that he has a high CMC and is very situational. You need a good number of aura's to make him work to begin with, so a card that can benefit from those aura's is likely better than Ramses. I'm using the aura's to trigger Willbreaker or Agent of the Fates nowadays.
  8. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Rootwater Matriarch

    I have a Ramses Overdark EDH deck where I used this card. I wrote something about that deck here
  9. Shabbaman

    Potential New Format

    At the time Wizards didn't have the habit of printing overpriced cards (discounting Chronicles, which didn't work out that well). I sold my playset of goyfs before Modern Masters, thinking they couldn't possibly be worth more after reprinting. Apparently I have no idea how the secondary market...
  10. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Wheel of Fortune

    I love Wheel. But eighty bucks? I had to verify that, but you're correct. Crazy. I never play my beat up copy, but this one has been through a lot.
  11. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Academy Rector

    I had no idea what Sandwurm Convergence was, so I had to look that up. It looks like a better Moat, with a worse CMC. I might include that in my Naya EDH deck... together with that Rector. I have Starfield of Nyx in that deck. Regarding buyouts: non-RL cards from later sets are worth more...
  12. Shabbaman

    G10: 0-99 Spin-Down Life Counter

    I like this, but shipping intercontinentally doesn't really make this appealing (although your page doesn't go into detail on shipping). I was considering getting Archenemy, which ships with a 99 life counter. I guess even with shipping your creation is a cheaper option ;) Anyway, this looks...
  13. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Academy Rector

    The stunning thing about Academy Rector is that the card is pretty good, on the reserved list, and still only worth $26. Every card and their mother are worth more than that. Why?
  14. Shabbaman

    The most Hated Card

    That would be the day. I saw this thread and thought "hey look, more familiar people have shown up", but it was only a thread necromancer. Anway. Stasis is a good choice.
  15. Shabbaman

    CPA is famous

    I'm fairly sure Rakso is how I got to this site. About the whole casual discussion, Wizards is actively pushing some more casual formats in the form of Archenemy, Planechase and Conspiracy. I can't say I've any experience with it, but it looks like fun. I'm considering the Planechase anthology...
  16. Shabbaman

    Gitrog County Municipal Lake Dredge Appraisal [EDH]

    I'm currently impressed by the work Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest is pulling off in my (outside the colors otherwise incomparable Glissa deck. If you have something like Pawn of Ulamog it's a nice alternative to go wide (with a lot of tokens) and pump them with Mazirek. Alternatively, exploit...
  17. Shabbaman

    CPA is famous

    Abe Sargent (one of my favorite M:TG writers) namedropped CPA in his latest article: That aside, he makes a good point although I think he's overlooked Pauper.
  18. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Fluctuator

    Any fond memories I have of cycling are demolished by Astral Slide.
  19. Shabbaman

    Amonkhet Card Image Gallery

    That That promo card frame looks hideous, but because this card is suddenly named Mihazoret the Pervert it does have comedy value.
  20. Shabbaman

    Magic Memories: Survival of the Fittest

    I don't think EDH is the only reason SotF is expensive; magic cards seem to have a price history. Cards that have been worth something are overpriced compared to cards that haven't. And besides that, it's a good speculation target.