Tucked away in Tom LaPille's article, there was mention of a new format: Modern
The Modern format features sets that were originally printed using the modern card frames. Specifically, the following is permitted in Modern:
Eighth Edition
Ninth Edition
Tenth Edition
Magic 2010
Magic 2011
Mirrodin block
Kamigawa block
Ravnica block
Time Spiral block (including the "timeshifted" cards)
Lorwyn block
Shadowmoor block
Shards of Alara block
Zendikar block
Scars of Mirrodin block
In addition, we'll be using the following banned list for the Modern round of the Community Cup:
Ancient Den
Seat of the Synod
Vault of Whispers
Great Furnace
Tree of Tales
Chrome Mox
Dark Depths
Sensei's Divining Top
Sword of the Meek
Umezawa's Jitte
Golgari Grave-Troll
As I said, many of you have called for a non-rotating format that doesn't have the card availability problems of Legacy. We propose Modern as that format.
This represents only a proposal and an experiment.