Magic content, from Magazines to websites, came loaded with different ideas projects, ad ways of playing the game, including some bizarre options out there. These were devoured and used all over. From Scrye to Inquest to The Dojo and Star City Games and , they all had major casual oriented content.
Here, let me do one example. I’ll take SCG. I am going to hit up a random week at SCG. Let’s do 10 years ago. I’ll randomly determine a week. I roll a d12 and get 6. All right, June. Now, let’s randomly choose with my d4. A 1, the first seven days it is. June 1st through June 8th, 2007.
SCG published articles on the upcoming Regionals event, casual writers like Talen Lee, Bennie Smith, Jamie Wakefield, The Ferrett, Peter Jahn, myself and there was even a feature piece by Paul Jordan on casual drafting. Most of these writers wrote about alternate ways of playing. The traditional Spike article circuit is the Standard, Legacy, Modern, Limited monster, with Commander and financial articles included too. And while this random week was one week before a huge tournament, which warped the article selection by a lot of writers, including Mike Flores, and you still have a Vintage article by Steven Menendian, online gaming with Craig Stevenson, and more. There were a number of non-Regionals articles this week on SCG. We have the expected articles by tournament leaders, such as Jeroen Remie and Tiago Chan, in addition to me writing about Five Color. It was a diverse slate of articles, authors, and formats. That’s where we were ten years ago.
Now, just as a spot check, where was SCG in the first week of June in 2016? We have Legacy, Modern, Commander, Standard, one flavor article (thanks John Dale Beety, you remain one of my favorite writers over at SCG!), one finance article, two general winning strategy articles, including one on how to play-test for a tournament, and then some Limited (in a tournament context, not Cubes or anything casual). And that’s it. No articles on anything from an alternate casual perspective. No Cubes. No Pauper. If it’s not Commander, then it’s not on most of the Spike sites.
Now, me telling you that SCG has shifted its article lists and central concept is hardly news to anyone. That’s fine! But it’s one highly visible example of the depth we used to have. As a side note, I regularly pushed variants, formats, and more with my articles. It’s always been a passion of mine. But the hits have dwindled. The comments are drifting away. It’s not where most players are today.