Day 2
Time: 6:43pm
You are fighting a pack of Yahtzee dice.
Ward, having no die in his possession, takes a moment to improve his defensive standing.
The six and two run off to join another pack. The fives jump to the scorched sheet and take their place in the appropriate slot. The other packs of Yahtzee dice look on in acknowledgment and four of the weaker dice run away.
Unsurprisingly, another pack charges up to attack!
Round 4A
A die rolls toward Ward. It lands on 2, failing to hurt him.
A die rolls toward Melkor's Ghost. It lands on 6, making the ghost feel 2% more likely to disappear.
A die rolls toward Pikachu. It lands on 4, doing no harm.
A die rolls toward McGill. It lands on 3, bumping his shin for a loss of one life.
A die rolls toward Pete. It lands on 4, failing to hurt him.
Status Updates
Everyone loses 1 energy from dice-wrangling last round.
Melkor's Ghost loses 2 essence and takes 5 pain.
McGill loses one life and takes 6 pain. His legs are starting to really hurt.
Used die slots: 1s, 2s, 5s
Safety Numbers
Ward: 5
Melkor's Ghost: 4
Pikachu: 5
McGill: 2
Pete: 7
The party is currently in the Game Preserve (the Mesa of Craps).