New game: Dominion



The Village draws you a Copper.

Updated hand:
1 - Copper
1 - Copper

You have 2 actions, 2 treasure, and 1 buy.

[Edit: I had mistakenly put that Oversoul had just 1 action, though the Village gives him 2.]


The Market draws you yet another Copper.

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper

You have 2 actions, 4 treasure, and 2 buys.


Bold move!

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)

You currently have 1 action, 1 treasure, and 2 buys.


The construction worker draws you a Copper. So does the Indian (Native American?).

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)
1 - Copper
1 - Copper

You currently have 3 actions, 3 treasure, and 2 buys.


You draw a Gold, a Copper, and a Village.

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)
3 - Gold
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper

You currently have 2 actions, 7 treasure, and 2 buys.


The policeman draws you an Estate.

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)
3 - Gold
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper

You have 3 actions, 7 treasure, and 2 buys.

I'll go out on a limb and assume you're interested in playing the Smithy now... you draw 2 Coppers and a Cellar.

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)
3 - Gold
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
You currently have 2 actions, 9 treasure, and 2 buys.


Bold again! You draw 6 cards...

Updated hand: (+1 treasure from the Market)
3 - Gold
1 - Copper

You have 2 actions, 5 treasure, and 2 buys.

As it is sort of a no-brainer, I'll play the Village and both Markets on your behalf... you draw a Copper, a Market, and a Laboratory.

You have 3 actions and 4 buys...

Since the Market and Laboratory both regenerate an action for you, I'll play them both... you draw a Copper and two Villages. Playing those Villages, you draw two Markets. Playing those, you draw a Copper and a Village. Playing that Village, you draw a Laboratory. Playing that, you draw a Village and a Smithy...

Updated hand: (+6 treasure from Markets)
3 - Gold
1 - Copper
1 - Copper
1 - Copper

You have 6 actions, 12 treasure, and 7 buys.

Playing the Village draws you a Copper. Playing the Smithy draws you two Coppers and a Market. Playing the Market draws you a Smithy. Playing that Smithy draws you a Cellar, an Estate, and a Copper.

Updated hand: (+7 treasure from Markets)
3 - Gold
1 - Copper (x8)
Estate (x3)

You have 5 actions, 18 treasure, and 8 buys.

Still want more? I've already had to reshuffle your discard pile twice, and your draw pile is empty at the moment, poised for another reshuffle...


The Tentacled One
To be perfectly honest, I blundered into this loop. But now that I see it, I'm paying attention...

There are now very few chances for the loop to be stopped. Re-drawing exactly the cards I discarded to the cellar (astronomically unlikely) would do it. More plausibly (still not likely), drawing mostly Coppers and Estates, along with singleton draw actions and running into only more Coppers and Estates would also stop me. In the highly likely event that I either draw my Laboratory, draw one or both of my Smithies, or get enough Markets and Villages to draw into a Laboratory or Smithy, I believe that the following algorithm removes the element of chance, letting me continue to increase my number of buys, and giving me more treasure (from the Markets) without depleting actions...

Every time I draw one or more cards:
-If I have a Market, play it.
-If not, and I have a Laboratory, play it.
-If not, and I have a Village, play it.
-If not, and I have a Smithy, play it.
-If not, oh crap, I guess the loop stopped somehow. Ask me what I'll buy (or maybe I can try the Cellar again).

Basically all I would need to do is keep recycling the Markets. The other cards are just there to facilitate that. If this happens (and I'm typing this because it's very likely to, although Rokapoke could draw me a really bad hand off this Cellar), the Markets give me everything I need to win. After shuffling and drawing enough times, I can even change the algorithm to ignore the Villages (not necessary, but it would speed it up) and reduce my draw pile to Markets and the Laboratory, retaining the rest of my deck in my hand and looping Markets repeatedly until I have enough buys and enough treasure to grab all of the remaining Victory cards. All of them.

So that's what I'm going for now. It's why I went for broke on the Cellar. If I'd been thinking of this, I could have pitched the Gold (to draw 12 reshuffled cards instead of 11), but I didn't think of it that way at the time, so I'll let my previous statement about leaving it in my hand stand. If it works, I save Rokapoke time asking me what my next plays are. If it doesn't, well, I thought Turgy was going to win at the time I started this turn, and he still might. We'll see...

Edit: switched the priority of Laboratory and Village in the cycle because I discern no disadvantage from doing so and it eventually makes the loop streamlined unless I want to accrue boundless extraneous actions. This is basically academic. Either version of the algorithm is likely to put all non-draw cards into my hand with draw cards to spare, at which point the loop won't be stopped by bad luck.


Ugh. Now I wish I was talented/forward-thinking enough to have programmed this into something to make it automatic, rather than using macro-less Excel for Mac.

You draw the following 11 cards: Copper x5, Market, Village x3, Smithy, Estate.
(+7 treasure from Markets)

You then play the Market, all three Villages, and the Smithy (in that order), to draw the following 7 cards: Copper x2, Market x2, Laboratory, Smithy, Estate.
(+8 treasure from Markets)

Then you play two Markets, a Laboratory, and a Smithy (in that order), to draw the following 7 cards: Copper, Village, Estate, <reshuffle>, Market x2, Village, Smithy.
(+10 treasure from Markets)

Then you play two Markets, two Villages, and a Smithy to draw the following 7 cards: Market x2, Laboratory, Village x2, Smithy, Cellar.
(+12 treasure from Markets)

You then play two Markets and a Laboratory to empty your draw pile, drawing: Market, Village x2, Smithy.
(+14 treasure from Markets)

You then play a Smithy to draw your Market x2 and Laboratory. You then play a Market to draw the Smithy.
(+15 treasure from Markets)

At this point the only card in your discard pile is a Market, and your draw pile is empty. Therefore, you can perpetually play a Market to earn +1 treasure and +1 buy for eternity. If you really desired, you could do this to play a total of 53 Markets this turn, to give you a total of 64 treasure (you have 1 Gold and 8 Coppers in your hand) to buy the Provinces, ending the game after your turn. Alternatively, you could earn the 148 treasure necessary to buy up all the Estate, Duchy, and Province cards. Or, to get really crazy, you could earn 646 treasure and just buy ALL OF THE CARDS.

Long story short, Oversoul wins in an absolute landslide. Well played, sir.


The Tentacled One
Well, that was fun. Until it wasn't.
I feel guilty for that brokenness but only a little bit. Uh, blame Rokapoke for putting Laboratory/Village/Market all in the same game. After all, I am a combo player (the only other time I've won a game of Dominion was with a Witch-based deck). And like I said, I didn't even realize that I could get an unbounded loop until after I declared that last Cellar. I was hoping that I'd be able to generate enough power with Village/Market/Laboratory to buy up a ton of Duchies and the last few Provinces and hope to beat the watered down (but far ahead) decks that you and Spiderman would have. It was looking grim too. I was saved by that impulsively bought Cellar. In retrospect, if I'd been going for this the whole time, I'd have focused on grabbing Villages and Feasts (into Laboratories), which would have started recurring (finite, at least at first) loops sooner.