Ugh. Now I wish I was talented/forward-thinking enough to have programmed this into something to make it automatic, rather than using macro-less Excel for Mac.
You draw the following 11 cards: Copper x5, Market, Village x3, Smithy, Estate.
(+7 treasure from Markets)
You then play the Market, all three Villages, and the Smithy (in that order), to draw the following 7 cards: Copper x2, Market x2, Laboratory, Smithy, Estate.
(+8 treasure from Markets)
Then you play two Markets, a Laboratory, and a Smithy (in that order), to draw the following 7 cards: Copper, Village, Estate, <reshuffle>, Market x2, Village, Smithy.
(+10 treasure from Markets)
Then you play two Markets, two Villages, and a Smithy to draw the following 7 cards: Market x2, Laboratory, Village x2, Smithy, Cellar.
(+12 treasure from Markets)
You then play two Markets and a Laboratory to empty your draw pile, drawing: Market, Village x2, Smithy.
(+14 treasure from Markets)
You then play a Smithy to draw your Market x2 and Laboratory. You then play a Market to draw the Smithy.
(+15 treasure from Markets)
At this point the only card in your discard pile is a Market, and your draw pile is empty. Therefore, you can perpetually play a Market to earn +1 treasure and +1 buy for eternity. If you really desired, you could do this to play a total of 53 Markets this turn, to give you a total of 64 treasure (you have 1 Gold and 8 Coppers in your hand) to buy the Provinces, ending the game after your turn. Alternatively, you could earn the 148 treasure necessary to buy up all the Estate, Duchy, and Province cards. Or, to get really crazy, you could earn 646 treasure and just buy ALL OF THE CARDS.
Long story short, Oversoul wins in an absolute landslide. Well played, sir.