AI has issues. On higher difficulty the game outright cheats. Apparently cards like Flameborn Hellion can ignore their attack text... Oh, and there are no deck building restrictions other than the set cards they give you. Karn's deck has 4 Magic 12th edition Mox Sapphires in it.
Are there supposed to be deck restrictions? Technically, if I'm not playing in a tourney, I could build a deck with four Mox Sapphires also if I find someone to play with who agrees to a "no- holds barred" game.
It's kinda like how the AI and deck shuffling was bugged in the first game. It's known about, but doubtful if they'll even touch on it. No deck restrictions, but very cheesy as you can't use the same cards.
Must have 60 cards in a deck... Got through the first round and yawned it off. Looks like the Magic 2013 set will have the medallions reprinted. Other than that it's just some way for them to cash in yearly.