The Tentacled One
Well, I got the expansion. Actually, I was automatically awarded the expansion, having bought the premium content at some point. I haven't gone through most of the expansion content yet, but it looks like this release is intended to fix some of the issues that players had complained about. And it does seem pretty cool, but I have to say that the deck it forces me to use in the expansion campaign was completely outclassed by the very first opponent. I don't mean like, "Oh, I think the other guy's deck is better and I'd rather be playing that one." What I mean is that the first opponent has a green spirit/arcane theme deck, while my deck (which I cannot modify) is a green deck with a black splash that ramps into nothing. He outraced me a couple dozen times before I finally got off to a mediocre start against his mana drown and was able to draw the game out and defeat him. Something isn't right here...