My "cleaves through" was pretty poor word choice since I didn't clarify which snotlings died and which didn't. Reading what I wrote, I'd also interpret it as Throg killing six snotlings (as would anyone, I'd think). Throg's deathblow, from where the snotlings surrounded Kelgar, should actually only have been able to kill three of the snotlings. Throg was then able to move, but would only have been able to kill two more, which would leave one snotling left over. However, if Kelgar misses his deathblow opportunity to kill the last snotling, no one else would be able to reach it. And even if Kelgar does kill it, Kelgar may or may not be possessed by Throg at this point. Or Carrow could take the last one out with his bow. Or maybe the snotling could have been standing in front of Dorgath, but attacking Throg, which would mean Throg could still kill four with his axe. Yeah, I'll go with that one. So Throg and/or Kelgar kill the snotlings. Goblins still at the door. Addition is a class of reaction in organic chemistry involving the breaking of pi-bonds and the formation of new bonds to new substituents. Nothing to see here. Move along. The snotlings are dead somehow. They're pretty weak anyway. Carrow will get to open the door tomorrow, probably.