Dorgath holds the ornate dagger near the stone Grimcrag Grunnson. The stone dwarf is unresponsive. The image of Grimcrag Grunnson in the dagger seems, although it's hard to tell, even more energetic. Dorgath ponders striking the dagger against the statue, but looks to the others. They stare blankly for what seems like an eternity. Well, maybe not an eternity. But it sure seems like it's been well over a week...
And perhaps at this point, given the protracted nature of the journey and the fact that we've connected two different dungeon maps that are apparently from the same level, it seems like a good time to draw a map and retrace our steps (by which I mean I couldn't reasonably expect you guys to remember the layout of this deep, but if this campaign had been on a more normal timescale, it wouldn't be that hard).

You arrived on this level by a gateway that used Chaos magic and dropped you onto the floor in the middle of that tunnel, colored grey, on the southern end of the map. The doors east and west turned out to magically loop around. You found a secret door into the corridor, colored brown, directly north of the tunnel. The corridor had three other doors. The door leading north had a magic lock, so you couldn't get through it. The door leading west went into the room you're in now, which is colored blue. That room contains a stone Grimcrag Grunnson and two stone goblins. The door leading east from the corridor went into the magic circle room, colored turquoise. There was a cave-in and now that door is sealed off. You proceeded into the bent corridor, where you found three human captives claiming to be merchants that can reward you for getting them safely out of Karak Azgal. Then you went north into the well chamber. You extracted carved bones from the slime pit and found a stone chest with a bunch of items. Notably, you found an
Apparently Blank Scroll, an
Ornate Dagger with an image of Grimcrag Grunnson raging inside a jewel on the pommel, and a
Black Lump that Dorgath insists is not coal (technically, the dagger and the scroll were supposed to have been found in the corner of the magic circle room, and I even put a marker there showing them on one of the maps, but then I forgot to ever note that they were there because I'm dumb, so I moved them to the stone chest with the other items, but whatever). You then flooded the room and escaped through a secret door into the ale store, the northernmost room on the map. In the ale store, you used your carved bones with a set of similar bones in an alcove to open a portal, seen in the northeast corner of the map. You climbed down a rope ladder through a narrow chute and arrived through the ceiling of Skrunch's Lair (the position of the hole in the ceiling is marked by a yellow circle). You defeated Skrunch and his savage orcs. You found a table with some crude orc drawings, and a bunch of apparently blank papers. You also found a note that Carrow read and a jar of "
Speshul ANTI INVISIBILITI Paint." Then you went through the door into the T-junction. From there, you went east, and found yourself back in the room with the stone Grimcrag Grunnson. This means that evidently, the narrow chute was magical, as climbing straight down a long distance has caused you to arrive southwest of where you had started climbing, but vertically at the same level. And now here we are. There is still one magically locked door you don't have any means to open, and there is one more door in the T-junction, leading north. Dorgath has brought the dagger to the stone Grimcrag Grunnson, but hasn't done anything with it yet...