Warhammer Quest: Death Below Karak Azgal


Isengar Tussle
It's noisy on the other side of this door. Don't know what it is, but there is something, probibly a trap or ghost or some undead abomination. Sigh!


The Tentacled One
Dorgath swings the door open to reveal a bizarre tableau, frozen in stone, showing a dwarven warrior holding aloft a huge axe as if to strike at some ferocious beast. Two goblins running for the door are frozen where they stand.


Staff member
Man, I forgot how much our guys are supposed to know for this adventure...

"By Grimnir's Axe! What is this place?" Dorgath cautiously looks around to see if anything could make noise that Carrow described.


The Tentacled One
Dorgath looks to see if anything in the room might have made the sound Carrow heard. It was probably the giant bats that are now attacking...

-A giant bat ambushes Dorgath. The dwarf's armor shields him from the beast's claws.
-A giant bat ambushes Throg, but passes over his head.
-A giant bat bites Dorgath's helmet, doing no damage.
-A giant bat maul's Throg's face (3 damage).


Nothing Special
Throg will attempt to maul the face of the giant bat that mauled his face. And maybe another one, as well.


Staff member
"I think we should close that door."
Yeah, I have my suspicions about what happened here, but I think our characters are "green", so they wouldn't necessarily know

Dorgath attempts to move back through the door, with Throg hopefully following, so we can form a "ring" in the hallway and engage the bats with numbers on our side.

If that fails, Dorgath moves out of the way of the door so Carrow or Kelgar can get in and help out and chops at the bats.


The Tentacled One
-Kelgar blesses Carrow with Vanquish. Carrow gets an extra attack this turn.
-Carrow almost shoots his own eye out. That's why his mother didn't want him to have a bow as a child?
-Carrow tries again, successfully plinking a bat. Or is it plinking an arrow into a bat? Whatever. A bat dies.
-Throg uses the Frostblade, instantly killing a giant bat.
-Throg's deathblow kills a second bat.
-Seeing Dorgath's intent, Kelgar backpeddles to give the dwarf room.
-Dorgath cuts down the last bat as he retreats out of the room.
-Throg gains 22 gold.
-Dorgath gains 15 gold.
-Kelgar gains 8 gold.
-Carrow gains 15 gold.


Staff member
"Well, that was short and sweet. Let's see what's in here."

Dorgath re-enters the room and searches for traps, secret doors, and loot.


Staff member
"This dwarf looks pretty familiar... I think it's Grimcrag, the father of the dwarf who hired us and the son of the dwarf ghost we met earlier.

So this room seems to be clear, let's check out the one to the east."

After making sure everyone's ready, Dorgath leads the way and opens the east door.


The Tentacled One
Once the party cross over to the other side of the corridor, Dorgath opens the door, revealing another room. Guttering candles bathe this room with an eerie glow, their light glancing off the magic sigils and arcane symbols painted on the floor. The room stinks with an overwhelming stench of decay. In the far corner of the room, next to the opposite doorway, you see a pile of objects.