Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


Nothing Special
You fools! If X starts in a corner, you counter by playing the opposite corner.

Throg will smack Carrow upside the head.


Isengar Tussle
" in the right or left box next to O that is already there."
"playing anywhere but the middle allows X to possibly win."


The Tentacled One
Throg smacks Carrow upside the head. Dorgath is the one holding the torch, but probably hears Carrow's suggestion.


Staff member
"I wonder what's going to happen when "X" wins..."

Ty readies himself for battle, staying alert for any signs of Coril.


The Tentacled One
Dorgath blocks the magically appearing X's from completing a row. The board empties and a new X appears, glowing blue in the center of the board.



Isengar Tussle
"O, in the bottom left corner"

- If Player 1 takes the center square, Player 2 should take a corner.
- If Player 1 takes a corner square, Player 1 should take the center.