Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


Staff member
If there's no way for Ty to engage with the wraiths he instead tries to use the torch to place an "O" in the middle right square, thinking that might unsummon the wraiths.


The Tentacled One
I kept planning to get to this at specific points and always had other stuff come up. Enough of that!

-Ty becomes confused.
-Jekaena casts Glittering Robe (+6 damage absorption).
-Tomas casts Life Force on Throg.
-Kelgar blesses Throg and Revaethan with Vanquish (+1 Attacks).
-Carrow takes aim and shoots the wraith that is approaching Revaethan (25/30).
-Carrow lands another shot on his target (19/30).
-Revaethan becomes terrified of wraiths.
-Revaethan moves forward and chops the wraith in front of him (14/30).
-Revaethan lands another strike his his sword (9/30).
-Revaethan's terror causes him to flinch and completely miss an attempt to cut the wraith he's fighting.
-Dorgath raises his crossbow, but without the magical bravery powers of his axe, he becomes terrified of wraiths! He completely botches his first shot.
-Dorgath fires a bolt, but misses.

Throg levitates high over everyone's heads and vaults toward the wraiths. Amazingly, he sticks his landing right in front of Kelgar and immediately leaps onto the nearest wraith, apparently unfazed by its terrifying appearance.

-Throg cuts a wraith (26/30).
-Throg sneaks in a quick bite with his fangs (23/30). The wraith is unpalatable.
-Throg slashes, but the wraith slides out of the way.
-Throg catches the wraith with his axe (20/30).
-Throg hacks into the wraith (13/30)
-Throg kicks the wraith while it's distracted (9/30).
-Throg tries to get the wraith with his poison fangs, but the ethereal creature slips away from his attempt. Probably for the best (I mean, can you really poison a wraith?).
-Throg lashes out with his claws, hitting the wraith again (3/30).
-Throg fails to hypnotize anything.
-Throg's almost shoots himself in the foot with his Ice Missile.
-Ty mumbles incoherently. He is probably reliving some traumatic experience from the fighting pits of Middenheim. Jekaena pats him on the head.
-Kelgar doesn't have to fight anything because Throg levitate-jumped in front of him and took his place. So he preaches an encouraging sermon about Sigmar, probably.
-A wraith strikes Revaethan with its chilling touch (10/18).
-A wraith touches Revaethan again (1/18). He's almost dead from the undead's potent attack.
-A wraith grabs Throg (21/29).
-A wraith shakes Throg around (15/29).
-The third wraith moves through its companions and right past Revaethan and Throg as well. It settles next to Kelgar and interrupts his sermon with its unearthly grip (9/19).
-The wraith tries to touch Kelgar again, but the priest ducks beneath it.
-Recovering from his harrowing experience, Kelgar finds that he remains unafraid of his undead foes (praise Sigmar!) and retaliates with a powerful blow. Kelgar's Ring of Command augments his strength as he strikes the wraith (24/30).
-Kelgar tries to attack again, but he loses his balance and stumbles into the wall.
-Tomas stabs the wraith that is fighting Kelgar. His Chaos Demon Sword hurts the wraith (21/30) and also damages Tomas himself (20/21).
-Tomas takes another stab at it (Wraith: 14/30, Tomas: 18/21).
-Tomas distributes 27 Wounds of healing from his Life Force spell. He fully heals Revaethan and Kelgar.
-Tomas collects gold for his healing efforts.

Next round...

-The Power Phase is 1 for this turn! An Unexpected Event occurs...

...Nothing happens. Lucky you.


Staff member
"Cursed undead!" Dorgath re-arms himself with his Axe and attacks the nearest Wraith (I'm not sure what the positioning is, but it sounds like they're among us now)


The Tentacled One

Right now, Jekaena and Tomas are in Dorgath's way for him to try to get into melee with any wraiths. You guys could try multiple avenues to get either Dorgath or Ty into melee with the wraiths, but there's not really room to shuffle people around to get both of them in there in the same turn. Let's see, there's...
  1. Have Carrow move to the right, have Ty move into his spot, have Tomas try to break from pinning and move back to where Ty was. If that succeeds, Dorgath moves into melee in the position previous occupied by Tomas.
  2. Have Dorgath move back and use his crossbow again. Have Tomas try to break from pinning. If he succeeds, he moves where Dorgath used to be and Ty takes his spot, engaging in melee.
  3. Leave Carrow where he is. Have Jekaena try to break from pinning. If she succeeds, she wouldn't normally have anywhere to go: with her bad foot and her cane she's not very nimble. But she's light, so with her cooperation it'd be easy for Dorgath to grab her and pull her back with him. He'd move alongside Carrow and pull Jekaena out of Ty's way. Ty could engage in melee.
  4. Leave Carrow where he is. Have Tomas and Ty coordinate to grab Jekaena. I'll say she wouldn't even need to break from pinning if two warriors are both grabbing her. Ty can lift her and place her behind Dorgath. Dorgath moves forward into melee. Tomas can attack in the same turn, but not move.
  5. Have Tomas cast Ogre Strength on Dorgath. Dorgath hulks out and tosses Jekaena over his shoulder. She doesn't need to break from pinning when a magically strengthened dwarf is basically throwing her (but hopefully not too hard). Carrow probably catches her. Dorgath presses ahead with the elf out of his way and engages in melee.
  6. Somehow kill one of the wraiths (probably the one Throg attacked). If Throg breaks from pinning, he can move forward. Then if Kelgar breaks from pinning, he can move forward too. Then if Jekaena breaks from pinning, she can move forward also. Then Dorgath can occupy her spot and attack the wraith. And if the fight keeps going, Tomas can try to break from pinning and take Dorgath's old spot, which would let Ty engage in melee too.
That's off the top of my head. There are probably some other variations. Let me know what you think...


Isengar Tussle
Carrow see the futality of most of his companions and draws the Blade of Couronne to attack these blasphemies of life.


Staff member
I think #5 involves the least amount of screwing around. Ty will catch the lady that was patting him on the head a moment ago.

Too bad the rest of us can't fly...:rolleyes:


The Tentacled One
-Jekaena casts Glittering Robe (+5).
-Tomas casts Ogre Strength on Dorgath.
-Kelgar blesses Tomas and Throg with Power of Sigmar (Tomas: 21/21, Throg: 18/29).
-Throg quickly bandages himself (21/29).
-Carrow puts away his bow and draws his sword. Since there are two people between him and the nearest wraith, he can't really hit anything with the Blade of Couronne. But he is able to wave it around menacingly.
-Revaethan uses his Woven Wind skill. He trades his normal Move and Attacks for a combined total of 4 Move + Attacks.
-Revaethan's terror breaks his concentration. His attack passes by a wraith without hitting it.
-Revaethan again lets terror get the best of him.
-Revaethan fumbles.
-Revaethan crashes into a wall.
-Dorgath easily flips Jekaena backward over his own shoulder. Perhaps underestimating his enhanced strength, he tosses her so that she can't really land properly.
-Ty easily catches Jekaena and rights her behind Dorgath. She's on her foot and unharmed, but it all happened so quickly that she's a little confused as to how she got there. Seeing Carrow waving a sword around and no apparent threats, Jekaena brandishes her quarterstaff at the walls.
-Dorgath heaves his axe, but having already balked at wraiths in this combat, remains gripped by terror. His attack misses.
-Dorgath strikes a wraith with his axe (6/30).
-Dorgath lands a big kick on a wraith. It is knocked shrieking toward the wall and oozes onto the floor.
-Throg swings his axe right through a wraith. It collapses to the floor and dissolves.
-Throg's deathblow strikes the adjacent wraith (3/30).
-Throg steals Wounds, fully healing himself.
-Throg's bite attempt fails miserably this time.
-Throg lashes out with his axe and brings down the last wraith.
-Kelgar collects gold for healing.


Staff member
Wow, that was.... anti-climatic.

Not sure if undead leave stuff in their "ooze", but Dorgath will check anyway. And checks the board for a new game.


The Tentacled One
Not sure if undead leave stuff in their "ooze", but Dorgath will check anyway. And checks the board for a new game.
There's no treasure for somehow managing to fail the easiest dungeon puzzle ever! I wrote that part about three wraiths showing up in partially just as a joke to myself because I didn't expect anyone to actually try to place an O on top of an X. Who even does that? It's madness, I tell you. Couldn't believe it was actually triggered. And because I spent next to no time on it, I didn't think to write in that there was no gold for killing the wraiths, so you guys actually did manage to get rewarded for Throg's poor decision-making! :eek:

But yeah, the board is lit back up again. And Throg still has the torch. Might want to take that away from him. :rolleyes:



Staff member
Clearly, creativity is punished in this game.
Well, good thought (and we have been creative before), just didn't pay off this time.

Dorgath puts an O in the upper left for the block.