Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


Isengar Tussle
"Here Ty, let me help you pass through the wall." Carrow says as he attempts to assist Ty in his rush to get through the wall.


The Tentacled One
The wall seems to be completely solid and impenetrable to everything Dorgath and Ty do. Revaethan seems to be getting some sort of result. While he isn't fully passing through it, the wall seems to soften and distort where he comes into contact with it. He continues to push against this strange force. Carrow barely feels the wall at all when he tries to help Ty. The wall seems to soften before he actually touches it and his fingers and forearm easily move into it. Unfortunately, this has no effect on Ty's attempt to interact with the wall.


Staff member
"Looks like only elves (of Carrow's kind) can pass through the wall. Wanna see what's on the other side and jump back? Or just hurry along the passage and try to catch up with Jekaena's captors?"


Staff member
The wall seems to be completely solid and impenetrable to everything Dorgath and Ty do. Revaethan seems to be getting some sort of result. While he isn't fully passing through it, the wall seems to soften and distort where he comes into contact with it. He continues to push against this strange force. Carrow barely feels the wall at all when he tries to help Ty. The wall seems to soften before he actually touches it and his fingers and forearm easily move into it. Unfortunately, this has no effect on Ty's attempt to interact with the wall.
"Thanks Throg, but if Carrow can't bring us along I guess this means he's on his own." Ty will join Dorgath in searching for another way through. Can Revaethan accompany Carrow by touching him as they pass through?


The Tentacled One
Carrow passes through the wall. Revaethan rebounds off, but pushes against it again and seems to be making more progress. Meanwhile, on the other side, Carrow finds Jekaena struggling feebly in the grip of a familiar elf: Coril. The crazed elven fighter draws his sword on Carrow...


The Tentacled One
-The Power Phase is 2 for this turn. But the wall seems to be opaque to all forms of magic anyway, so no one on the other side can help Carrow (they can watch his shadow and Coril's shadow through the wall, though).
-Carrow activates his Ring of Invisibility.
-Carrow shoots Coril in the thigh (4 damage). Coril continues to advance, seeming to ignore the wound. He haul Jekaena over his shoulder like she weighs nothing.
-Carrow lands another shot (3 damage). Coril keeps moving toward where Carrow was before he went invisible, but he loses his grip on Jekaena.
-Jekaena falls to the ground and immediately casts Fist of Iron, striking Coril in the head (2 damage).

Displaying surprising dexterity, Jekaena scrambles on her hands and her good foot, then rolls back toward the wall, passing most of the way through it before Coril can react. Coril pivots, uncertainly. He can't seem to decide whether to stop Jekaena from getting back to the party's side of the wall or to guard against the invisible Carrow lurking nearby. In his hesitation, he loses his chance and Jekaena finishes crawling through the wall. As she departs, she cries out...


Coril stands ready for Carrow's invisibility to wear off. He casually remarks...

"Invisbility ring, huh? But who are you? How did you pass through the barrier so easily?"


Staff member
Seeing Jekaena crawling out of the wall, Ty moves to help her while staying alert for any sign of Coril. If he sees him he will attempt to grapple with him to prevent escape back through the wall.


The Tentacled One
Carrow tumbles through the wall and, before he finishes the process, becomes visible. Coril spots him and moves in to attack. Revaethan manages to get a sword-arm through the wall and brandishes it at Coril. The shadowy figure on the other side of the wall paces across the length of the corridor, perhaps probing the group for weaknesses. He turns and marches away.

(You know, that wasn't supposed to be so easy, but I didn't count on Mooseman using a Ring of Invisibility. Well done.)

Jekaena hops toward Carrow and throws her arms around him.

"You're alright! I thought he was going to kill you. Also, I picked his pocket while he was distracted. Who should take this?"

Warningstone of Asuryan: If the party would be ambushed, roll a D6. On a 6, the ambush is negated. Worth 1,100 gold.



Staff member
That seems like a nice piece. I'd say it should go to a front line guy, but an ambush can come from anywhere so really anyone can use it.

Any takers?


The Tentacled One
Dorgath takes the stone. You continue through the corridor, watching for signs of Coril. At the end of the long corridor, there stands a massive portal constructed from thick timbers. A brazier alongside the door burns with a blue flame. The light from the fire sparkles and seems to arc into the walls around you, producing flashes of light. A thin torch is leaning against the door. Mounted in the center of the portal is a board with a grid of nine squares. An "X" is marked in one corner of the board...
