Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


Staff member
I guess the order we had before, adjusted for the new people:

Throg and Ty (both have great melee damage and good defense)
Revaethan and Dorgath (the next best with great melee damage and good defense)
Tomas and Jekaena (needs to be protected!)
Carrow and Kelgar (the lowest melee damage (aside from Tomas) and okay defense, enough to help out in case attacked from the rear, and Carrow has good ranged attack for the front)

Who's not included yet?


The Tentacled One
I guess the order we had before, adjusted for the new people:

Throg and Ty (both have great melee damage and good defense)
Revaethan and Dorgath (the next best with great melee damage and good defense)
Tomas and Jekaena (needs to be protected!)
Carrow and Kelgar (the lowest melee damage (aside from Tomas) and okay defense, enough to help out in case attacked from the rear, and Carrow has good ranged attack for the front)

Who's not included yet?
That's everybody!


The Tentacled One
Alright, so I'm assuming right now it's...

Carrow and Ty (point)
Revaethan and Dorgath (second line)
Tomas and Jekaena (inner line)
Kelgar and Throg (rear guard)

You can switch around more if you want, but we'll get started...


The Tentacled One
The Sylvan Epic Part 5: Enchanted Wood

-Throg's Axe of Mighty Striking resets.
-Throg's Chalice of Night resets (6 charges for this deep)
-Throg's Mark of Chaos resets.
-Throg's Warp Magic gives him one use of the "Dazzle" spell for this deep (Choose a target. For the rest of the turn, all melee attacks against that target hit unless the to-hit roll is a natural 1.)
-Dorgath's Great Axe's abilities reset.
-Dorgath's Cloak of Stealth resets.
-Dorgath's Lucky Talisman resets.
-Dorgath's Axe of Slaying resets.
-Dorgath's Endure skill resets.
-Dorgath's Norscan Grease Escape skill resets.
-Carrow's Invisibility Ring resets.
-Carrow's Horn of Shielding resets.
-Carrow's Cloak of Concealment resets.
-Ty's Lifestealer Talisman resets.
-Ty's Cloak of Deception resets.
-Ty's Duck and Dodge skill resets.
-Ty's Whirlwind skill resets.
-Tomas' Skull Staff resets.
-Tomas' Bone Blade resets.


The Tentacled One
You descend the staircase. The material of the walls and the steps shifts from dark, brown wood to a hard, translucent material. Pulses of light, too dim and too brief to fully illuminate your path, shoot through the strange substance...

An Unexpected Event occurs!

Time Rip: due to a warp in spacetime, you seem to be moving faster. For the rest of the deep, if a 6 is rolled in the Power Phase, you gain an extra turn. Monsters move at normal speed.


Staff member
Kewl! :D

If the light is too low for us to see the path clearly Ty will break out his Glowstone, using it to light the path but keeping it low enough so it doesn't mess up our night vision.


The Tentacled One
My plans have been thwarted somewhat because I thought my internet would already be set up at my new place but it's not going to be installed until next week. I've already switched over to Google Drive for most of the Warhammer Quest stuff, so it shouldn't be too hard to get back to this tomorrow. I hope.

The Magic games might be delayed until I do have internet at home, though. Sorry about that.


The Tentacled One
The material of the walls and the steps shifts from dark, brown wood to a hard, translucent material. Pulses of light, too dim and too brief to fully illuminate your path, shoot through the strange substance.

An Unexpected Event occurs!

A sudden gust of wind blows out the lantern. Fortuitously, Ty is already using a glowstone, so the party is not suddenly left in the dark. Nothing else seems to happen. The party can either continue moving while Throg tries to re-light the lantern, or wait for him before proceeding.