Far away from all this violence, Rootwater Patriarch had found new life as biologist. He was just hours away from his breakthrough, which would cure mortality. Unfortunately, when Oversoul died, so did all the creatures he controlled. And so the breakthrough was never made. Such are the consequences of being a summoned creature, whose life is intrinsically linked to a madman fighting in some insane war over nothing.
Personal Incarnation (having a much nicer body than his creator) was pursuing a very successful career as a stripper. Like Rootwater Patriach, he also died as soon as Oversoul was destroyed by the Nevinyrral's Disk. Unlike Rootwater Patriarch, Personal Incarnation had a cadre of adoring fans, many of whom happened to be powerful enchantresses. They vowed to find a way to bring Personal Incarnation back to life. Such are the perquisites of being an avatar.
And so Oversoul found himself unexpectedly ressurected. He was surprised to be alive. He was surprised to be in some male-stripping joint. And more than anything, he was surprised to find enchantresses demanding that he recreate his son. After learning what they were talking about, Oversoul made a few requests of his own, some of which were granted, and set out to return to the off-topic battle over nothing.
*Oversoul, Tragic Poet, Saprazzan Heir, and Goblin Welder all enter the battlefield riding Dwarven Ponies.*
Hey guys, I'm back.
*5versoul is dumbfounded at Oversoul's reappearance.*