Don't post cards here if you don't want people to give you their honest opinions.
Yes, I've heard of Thunder Spirit, 1WW for a 2/2 flying first striker. It was broken, too. White generally pays 2W for the average 2/2 creature. (Pearled Unicorn) 1WW for a 2/2 with flying OR first strike is generous, but doable. Both is simply broken, and deducting 1 from the toughness isn't enough to reduce the casting cost to 1W.
The Helix is broken because it renders over a hundred cards completely impotent. Not only can you no longer Boomerang, Arrest, Pacify, Desert Twister, Bolt, Drain, Vendetta, Shock, or otherwise use any direct method of dealing with creatures, but this card specifically keeps itself in play. Nothing short of non-targeting artifact destruction will remove this overpowering card from play, and there's see. Purify, yeah, that sees a LOT of has has has Shatterstorm, a sideboard has nothing. Oh yeah. That's fair.
Lhurgoyf isn't broken because if there are only, say, 4 cards in graveyards, a 4/4 trampler isn't that hard to handle. But a 4/4 first-striker can easily rule the board, and he makes himself bigger every time he eats one of your opponent's creatures. It doesn't help that you made him cost LESS than his counterpart, and put him in a color where he'd be immune to 90% of black's removal.
Everlasting Dragon is one of those broken-at-any-price cards. To make him cost enough to where being able to ping for FIVE DAMAGE EVERY TURN would be fair, he'd have to be incredibly, prohibitively expensive. And quite frankly, I'm not too thrilled about making a card that would only ever be used in a deck that never should have been made in the first place. (The first time I saw Sneak Attack, I traded it away low, because I thought I was somehow reading it wrong. It couldn't possibly let you cast any creature for R and turn that creature into a Ball Lightning...or maybe it could.) Actually, let's calculate our little friend's mana cost.
Red pays 3R for a 3/3, a Hill Giant.
Add +3/+3, add 3, making it a 6/6 for 6R.
Give it flying (out-of-theme for red), add R.
Give it the ability to do direct damage, add R.
What we end up with is a 6/6 (not a 6/9) that does direct damage and flies, for 6RRR. (If you'll note, that's not too far away from what a Shivan Hellkite costs.)
And finally...if you don't want people to tell you what they think, don't tell them what you think. Folks like to reciprocate.