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  1. Ed Sullivan

    New Mercadian Masques cards

    Zadok--Some questions I'd like to ask you then: I take it you wouldn't play with Control Magic in a blue deck? How about Morphling? Yes, I know Morphling isn't the exact same, but its the principle. I believe bribery is useable, but maybe not main deck. But then again, I'm not sure if I'd put...
  2. Ed Sullivan

    That sucked...

    Ok, re-tweaked the smilies code. These should all work: : + ) = : + P = : + D = 8 + ) = 8) : + ( = ; + ) = : + O = Hope this'll work.. -mike
  3. Ed Sullivan

    This where Baron is going to post his recycle deck

    I have a pretty funny Recycle deck on apprentice. Think about it: 28 0cc creatures (Kobolds!) and recycle. Then, last ditch effort or overrun... it sucks, but oh well. -mike I'm about to add more emoticons to the collection.
  4. Ed Sullivan

    That sucked...

    Ok, I lied. That wasn't my last post. I put The Big Grin(tm) back in and it screwed up everything, so it's gone. Hopefully this one will work. :O -mike
  5. Ed Sullivan

    That sucked...

    Woohoo! Cool.. ok, last post, the smilies should now be p> + ) = <IMG SRC="http%20%3cIMG%20SRC="">/"> + ( = <IMG SRC="http%20%3cIMG%20SRC="...
  6. Ed Sullivan

    That sucked...

    Dumb code. Still won't work.. And don't think my threads are getting updated, so I need to post again.. :o :D -mike
  7. Ed Sullivan

    That sucked...

    Sorry, quick testing a smilie hack I just installed. <IMG SRC="http%20%3cIMG%20SRC="">/"> <IMG SRC="http%20%3cIMG%20SRC="...
  8. Ed Sullivan

    That sucked...

    Damn, that did suck. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but somehow all the forum folders were no longer chmod'ed correctly (they're supposed to be 777). Oh well, after about 90 minutes of fooling around and reading the UBB help boards, I finally figured it out. Enjoy! (again) -mike
  9. Ed Sullivan

    So, like anything other than Magic?

    All the machines in the arcades these days seem to be the same. They all have those plastic guns, or you sit in front of them and drive. Then I played Gauntlet: Legends. I haven't played an adventure game in an arcade for a really long time, and it was really fun. Pong. I found some version of...
  10. Ed Sullivan

    So, like anything other than Magic?

    Just wondering what other types of games the other members play? As for CCGs, the only one I really play is Magic. I've dabbled in the likes of SW:CCG, Redemption, SimCity, Rage, and Young Jedi. The only ones (other than Magic) I've enjoyed were SW:CCG and Young Jedi. I'm also an avid...
  11. Ed Sullivan

    Partnership with MOTL? Please read...

    (This feels kinda like an IRC channel. I mean, look how quickly there are responses. :) ) MOTL: I guess your right in that he'd be getting more hits with a connection to the MOTL. More hits=more banner $$$. I'd just feel a little weird having a BBS on a completely different site. PT DC: I...
  12. Ed Sullivan

    Partnership with MOTL? Please read...

    On a personal level, I don't see any problems with hooking up with the MOTL. But from a business standpoint, I wouldn't be sure if Mr Doust would like it. I mean, he is investing a large amount of money ($100+ so far) in us, so I think he'd want to have universal rights. (...Ok, that didn't...
  13. Ed Sullivan

    New Banned/Restricted list: A Blessing from above?

    Extended is generally referred to as 1.x. As has been said, 1.5 is Type 1, but anything in T1 that is banned/restricted, is banned in 1.5. And as for what TomB said about some members of the CPA play in tourneys, that is quite true. I play in store tourneys. Usually with about 16 people. Not a...
  14. Ed Sullivan

    Domain (not site) is up!

    Don't ask me. I haven't talked to Mr. Doust yet. Tony, being the PR guy, has already e-mailed him (to my knowledge). Tony, any response yet? -mike
  15. Ed Sullivan

    The new Power Nine

    Umm, Ferret, about those nine cards you listed, you only listed 8. you forgot Ancestral Recall. But they already reprinted it. It's called Yavimaya Elder. :) And then, for Black Lotus, we already have Lotus Blossom and Lotus Vale... and Blacker Lotus!! -mike Yavimaya Elder foils are cool!
  16. Ed Sullivan

    Wacky Roolz Varient

    I like playing like that. Adds spice to an already spicey game. You could try and make this an article. Maybe giving some more examples, or decks that run well under these circumstances. Ahh... 'Automatic Howling Mine'; my fav. -mike "Hey, where's automatic Sorrow's Path? That would make for...
  17. Ed Sullivan

    Domain (not site) is up!

    Too my knowledge, all we're doing is waiting for Doust. There's only one more thing I have to do on the site, but I can really do that until we get on NewWave (the joining form). Hopefully we'll be up soon. I wanna post some more articles! -mike
  18. Ed Sullivan

    It's a conspiracy, I tell you...

    Ok, I think this is pertenate(?) to the situation. It's from the comprehensive rulebook. 422.1. If a player realizes that he or she can't legally take an action after starting to do so, the entire action is reversed and any payments already made are canceled. No abilities trigger as a result of...
  19. Ed Sullivan

    Domain (not site) is up!

    Wow. Suggestion: decaf... Anyway, the site will be up when Doust gets back to us. Baron sent him an e-mail saying we are ready to be hosted. All we need now are the IP# and stuff like that so I can hook the domain upto where ever the site is. So calm down, it'l probably be up in the next few...
  20. Ed Sullivan

    It's a conspiracy, I tell you...

    I'm not sure, but I think it might end up going back to your hand. For example, in that "So you want to be Level III..." article on The Dojo, when you try to cast Heat Ray on Multani, it goes back to your hand due to the target being illegal and you have X mana in your mana pool. I think it's...