Well, Child has been bugging me about this enough so here it is: My Recycle deck. I can't think of a flashy name for it so if any of you have any suggestions, please let me know. Also, this deck is type one legal so if someone wants to use it in a tourney for some reason modifications will be necessary and are encouraged. So without further adieu:
3x Llanowar Elves (kick-ass little keeblers)
4x Wild Growths (a free card w/ Recycle)
4x Heart Warden (Llanowars with a very useful late-game ability)
4x Multani's Acolyte (draw two cards with Recycle)
3x Wall of Roots (Quick Mana + Early Defense = a great card)
2x Hunting Moa (Potential beatdown or creature pumper)
2x Marker Beetles (see above)
4x Yavimaya Elder (Ancestral recall in creature form. This guy is good way beyond words)
1x Whirlwind (I know it needs to be a Hurricane but I have a lot of Green decks and only so many of those to go around)
4x Weatherseed Treefolk (usually the kill card if the horde of utility creatures don't do the job first)
1x Plated Spider (sometime kill card and great defense against fliers)
2x Stunted Growth (Three free turns. Plow Under will work well here, too)
4x Recycle (the engine. Get one out and start drawing cards)
2x Desert Twister (omnipotent)
20x Forest
This is one fun deck, let me tell you. I have been trying to make a decent deck around Recycle since it came out. I tried a variant of a deck I saw on the dojo where the guy tried to put all of his land into play on one turn and then play Nature's Revolt and attack w/ his forests but it was always the same. Discard killed me. A single stupor and the deck came crashing down like a house of cards in a hurricane. The creatures in this deck can be sacked to draw cards, thereby preventing this delimma. Each of the creatures in Recycledeck.version2.0 are useful by themselves and doubly so with a recycle on the board.
The few ways I have lost with this deck is being hit with a hymn to tourach when I had a recycle on the board and no sack creatures and having two recycles in play and decking myself. One is all you will ever need. Just keep playing stuff until you're out of mana and attack en masse.
I welcome any comments or suggestions and if someone would happen to use this deck in a tourney, just let me know how you do and post the decklist. I would be interested in seeing how it does.
I remain
The Baron
Please help me come up with a better name for this deck ...