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  1. Killer Joe

    I totally expected some serious Trump talk here, LOL!!!

    As in, he's been impeached and rightfully so!!! Hi guys! Long time no see! I play MTG Arena but only solitaire. I still have a good portion of my decks from 10 years ago but I sold many of my good cards to kickstart my board game collection. Some of my favorites are Power Grid Eldritch...
  2. Killer Joe

    Your favorite board games?

    Here's my current "Top 25" board games (I own all of these) 1. Elder Sign 2. Eldritch Horror 3. New Bedford 4. Defenders of the Realm 5. Power Grid 6. Caylus 7. The Voyages of Marco Polo 8. Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu 9. Lorenzo il Magnifico 10.Ulm 11.Istanbul 12.Stone Age 13.Castles of...
  3. Killer Joe


    Mooseman & his lovely wife came to our house the other night to play Eldritch Horror (we beat Azathoth in 3.5 hours), he & I talked about the CPA and so I thought I'd drop by to say hi! We talked about Magic briefly, I told him I did buy the duel deck kit called "Mind vs Might" they UR & RG...
  4. Killer Joe


    WHIMSICAL!!!!! Yes, that's her....we're talking like 10+ years ago..... and what about The Duke? Some pretty heated discussions right after 9/11 with that guy
  5. Killer Joe


    Hi Guys! I now live a life pretty much Magic free (played 4 games since November 2015) and am forever lost to board gaming. My recent BG vices are Memoir '44, Arkham Horror: The Living Card Game, Splendor & Cottage Garden. I still miss those days of Spidey and the girl (can't remember her...
  6. Killer Joe

    Where do you live?

    I still live 15 minutes from Mooseman :p
  7. Killer Joe

    Apple Watch and tattoos

    So I read that the Apple Watch doesn't work well on people's tattooed wrists. Who in the heck ran the test study group? :rolleyes:
  8. Killer Joe

    Baltimore Unrest

    I heard on the news that the six police officers involved gave the man in custody a "rough ride" while he hand-cuffed and sitting in the back of the van without a seat belt on. The state attorney charged them with a plethora of charges but on NPR yesterday an interview with a professor of law...
  9. Killer Joe

    Magic In 5 Words

    "Draw. Play Island. Your turn." :D
  10. Killer Joe

    April 23rd is...

    Yeah, where I work there are several folks who are bringing their kids to work. Maybe I need bring all my tons of magic cards for them to play with! :)
  11. Killer Joe

    April 23rd is...

    Openly Secular Day I was unaware that there was such a thing. I know what atheists are but had no idea that have formed an international movement. I am unsure, personally, but am open minded enough to say it really doesn't bother me if one is a believer in a god or not.
  12. Killer Joe

    Ayn Rand

    How is this Still a thing? Ayn Rand
  13. Killer Joe

    Ayn Rand

    seriously, does anyone believe her ideas are still relevant in today's society? I wonder if today's conservatives who are being influenced by media talking heads promoting her book Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead know that she was pro-choice and pretty much hated Reagan?
  14. Killer Joe

    Multi-Player Deck for your review

    "Erratic Portal" (renamed Erratic-Spikes) by Yellowjacket Revised by Killer Joe (2015) 4x Tropical Island 10x Forest 16x Island 1x Jayemdae Tome 3x Erratic Portal (+1) 4x Counterspells 4x Mana Leak (4x Cancel) 4x Tradewind Rider 4x Wall of Blossoms 4x Birds of Paradise 3x Eladamri's Vineyard...
  15. Killer Joe

    International Tabletop Game Day April 11, 2015

    International Tabletop Game Day Mr. Devin & I are attending it at Mr. Nice Guy Games in Monroeville, PA
  16. Killer Joe

    Multi-Player Deck for your review

    It was one of my best classic decks of all time!
  17. Killer Joe

    Your favorite board games?

    Let check my schedule... DSo the timeline game I bought "American History" had an error in it, one card said that Gerald Ford was elected President in 1972. Nixon was elected in '72, right?
  18. Killer Joe

    Your favorite board games?

    You're assuming one may have a memory as good as YOU, Mousie,, Moosie?
  19. Killer Joe

    Your favorite board games?

    Last night Rose & I stopped by Mr. Nice Guy Games and I picked up the following games: Coloretto Love Letter (The Hobbit version) Timeline (American History) I really like small, easy to learn and fast to play type games as of late.
  20. Killer Joe

    Your favorite board games?

    Rose & I just played the 2 player card game version Settlers of Catan, I bought it nearly 15 years ago and never played it or at least I don't remember playing it before. It was fun! ....she won as is the case whenever we play resource management type games. :rolleyes: