Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


The Tentacled One
Dorgath checks the shelves, but they're a mess. It's could take a while to sift everything here. The goblins seem to have enthusiastically broken most of the items stored here, but Dorgath's initial search yields an intact jug of water. Revaethan identifies it as a ceremonial ewer holding water from the sacred fountain, which is currently blocked off by forcefields.


Tomas attempts to investigate the forcefields (if he can access them from this room).


The Tentacled One
Wait. What's blocked off by forcefields? The ewer or the fountain?
The fountain. You entered this dungeon from the south, descending stairs. At the northern end of the stairs was a vestibule with three doors. The northern door leads to the fountain, which has a visible (but largely obscured) field surrounding it. Something is suspended in the field (and some of the characters have the distinct impression that the floating object is actually the elven woman whose screams magically echoed through the dungeon), but you cannot see the fountain clearly because a second field surrounds the entire chamber and also blocks off the western edge of the vestibule, preventing you from accessing that door. The eastern door of the vestibule was the one through which the goblins entered when they ambushed you. And you explored that path (the only one currently accessible), leading you to the store room you're in now. The inner forcefield seems to be a column of bright light covering the fountain. The outer forcefield is green and murky (more translucent than transparent), so visually making out details is difficult.


"This ewer is somehow connected with the fountain within the forcefields. I think we should take it closer to the edge of the field blocking the western door. Hopefully I'll be able to see if other aspects of the ewer's nature will reveal themselves there."


Staff member
a second field surrounds the entire chamber and also blocks off the western edge of the vestibule
But does that mean the northern room/door is blocked also? I thought it was but the way you just worded sounds like just the western room/door is blocked.


Staff member
Preventing entry into the room, right? So our paths north and west are blocked, hopefully there's something here where we are or this water can help.


The Tentacled One
Dorgath does not find any secret doors, but his rifling around does unturn a stash of nasty-looking arrows. Revaethan combs through the shelves and finds two healing potions.

I am unclear on whether Dorgath lets Throg drink any of the fountain water...


Staff member
"Hey elf, I think you could use these!" Dorgath gives the arrows to Carrow.

Dorgath hands the jog to Throg for him to drink from.


The Tentacled One
Throg takes a swig from the jug. The water does turn out to be holy, which produces a rather serious effect when a being of Chaos tries to drink it for some reason.

-Throg's Mark of Chaos alters the result, preventing him from being killed.
-Throg takes 13 damage.
-Throg's Alcoholism changes the liquid in his stomach, but he resists the effects of the intoxication.


I wanted us to go back to the main room. Just saying...

Tomas will attempt to cast Lifebringer to heal Throg (assuming that the power roll is sufficient).


Staff member
Oh yeah, I kind of skipped that step.

Dorgath leads the way back to the vesitibule to splash the water on the forcefield in the northern chamber.