Also a note on the well: Dorgath would have a hard time squeezing down the well. It's not that the well itself is too narrow for him to drop into, but the iron bars at the top would block his passage. If the well opening had no bars, everyone present could fit through, although Throg and Kelgar would be rather uncomfortable in their armor. The iron bars look pretty sturdy, but probably aren't invincible and if you hit them with a hammer enough times, it seems like they'd break. There's also still the chain, which might be possible to move (Dorgath did detect something shifting when he pulled on it before). The reason it didn't come up last time you tried wasn't that you weren't strong enough. It was that you had five people all trying to pull the same chain up with a bulky stone chest right at their feet. Now that the chest has been emptied out and moved out of the way, it wouldn't be a problem (honestly, I just didn't foresee the possibility that adventurers might deliberately ignore the treasure chest that is in between them and an old iron chain they're trying to access, even if they think the chest might be trapped, but you guys surprised me there). Oh, and the well is deeper than Dorgath's rope can go (remember, you can't see the bottom even when you shine the lantern directly over the well), so if you do end up getting past the iron bars, you'd presumably have to climb down the chain. I guess you could also try climbing down by grabbing the interior walls of the well, but that would be stupid and you'd die.