Warhammer Quest: Death Below Karak Azgal


The Tentacled One
Throg clubs the floor with a femur. The femur makes a loud smacking sound as it strikes the floor. While Throg is appraising the quality of his new bones, he notices that they have symbols carved into them.


Nothing Special
"Hey! My bones!"

Throg will not allow Dorgath to take the femur. He can have the rest. And good luck reading the symbols on that stapes.


The Tentacled One
Dorgath does not find any stapes. It doesn't seem to be a complete skeleton, just some bones. Or maybe Throg secretly pocketed the stapes, but then it still wouldn't be a complete skeleton. No one seems to recognize the symbols either.


Staff member
"All right, let's stash them for now."

(I kind of missed this from earlier but...)

Dorgath starts pulling up the chain from the well. "Let's see what's on this..."


The Tentacled One
Dorgath tries to move into position to heave the chain up, but the stone chest is right behind his feet. He could move the chest, throw the chain to the far side of the well and see if he can pull from there, or step behind the chest and try to pull the chain up from farther away...


The Tentacled One
Dorgath fails to see what the chain is connected to. It's really heavy and now that he's farther away and the chain is stretched to the point that it has no more slack, he can't get enough leverage to pull it up, assuming that he could even exert enough force if he was closer.

Throg feels the urge to make some quip about yanking Dorgath's chain. Throg must pass a Willpower check to resist the urge. Roll a D6, Turgy. If it's a 4 or lower, Throg gives in.


Nothing Special
Throg feels the urge to make some quip about yanking Dorgath's chain. Throg must pass a Willpower check to resist the urge. Roll a D6, Turgy. If it's a 4 or lower, Throg gives in.
I rolled a one. I was actually going to make a quip earlier, but then Mooseman chimed in by calling it "hanking" the chain and I really didn't see how I could compete with that.

"I'll help you, Dorgath. Nah, I'm just pulling your chain."

Throg will help Dorgath pull the chain. "Right, now I really am pulling your chain. Better then pulling your finger, I suppose. I wonder if there's a guy at the end of this chain. I guess he'd be a chain male. Maybe if Carrow and Kelgar joined in, we could form a chain gang. That would be fine as long as we don't cause an explosion, which would result in a chain gang bang. Okay, I'll stop now."


The Tentacled One
You feel something shift, but the chain doesn't seem quite ready to give. It is heavily rusted and you'll need a great amount of force to move it. Kelgar heals Throg and moves in to help Dorgath and Throg pull the chain.


Staff member
I think Throg is flickering in and out between the Warhammer universe and the Lunix Troubleshooting Storm universe :D

'C'mon Carrow, join the fun! You too, humans!"