Warhammer Quest: Death Below Karak Azgal


The Tentacled One
Oops. That's just the iron grate. I have an icon for a slime pit, but I forgot to change it. Also, no one has a pickaxe.


Staff member
Dorgath hands the crystal to Carrow.

"We may have to climb down the well... I'll go once Carrow inspects the crystal."


The Tentacled One
Carrow confirms the identification of the Amulet of Fury. It's a simple one-use spell item. Anyone can use it to cast the spell, even those that don't know magic. Holding the crystal aloft and invoking its power can protect any chosen nearby individual so that the next blow that would hit that person, regardless of its source, is deflected and does no damage. But the Amulet of Fury is destroyed in the process.


The Tentacled One
Also a note on the well: Dorgath would have a hard time squeezing down the well. It's not that the well itself is too narrow for him to drop into, but the iron bars at the top would block his passage. If the well opening had no bars, everyone present could fit through, although Throg and Kelgar would be rather uncomfortable in their armor. The iron bars look pretty sturdy, but probably aren't invincible and if you hit them with a hammer enough times, it seems like they'd break. There's also still the chain, which might be possible to move (Dorgath did detect something shifting when he pulled on it before). The reason it didn't come up last time you tried wasn't that you weren't strong enough. It was that you had five people all trying to pull the same chain up with a bulky stone chest right at their feet. Now that the chest has been emptied out and moved out of the way, it wouldn't be a problem (honestly, I just didn't foresee the possibility that adventurers might deliberately ignore the treasure chest that is in between them and an old iron chain they're trying to access, even if they think the chest might be trapped, but you guys surprised me there). Oh, and the well is deeper than Dorgath's rope can go (remember, you can't see the bottom even when you shine the lantern directly over the well), so if you do end up getting past the iron bars, you'd presumably have to climb down the chain. I guess you could also try climbing down by grabbing the interior walls of the well, but that would be stupid and you'd die.


Staff member
LOL... frankly, it never occurred to me that the "green vapors" meant the chest was trapped. Doh!

"Now that the chest is out of the way, let's see if we can pull up the chain. Everyone together now!"


The Tentacled One
Kelgar, Arcttus, and Avorus move to help Dorgath pull the chain up while Throg contemplates ways to die in the most ridiculous manner using the well. You seem to head something moving in the walls of the room, and then something bigger and louder down in the well, but still, nothing seems to be happening. Suddenly, the chain gives, throwing back everyone that was pulling on it as it snaps upward. Too late, you see that the rock directly above the well is striated, worn smooth. A massive iron gate slams shut over the door to the room and a massive column of foaming water jets up to the ceiling. The room is filling up with water, and it's happening very quickly...


Staff member
Dorgath double-checks the room for any hidden panels (especially near the door) that might reveal a way to raise the gate.


Nothing Special
Once the water is about waist-deep, Throg will empty his bladder.

"I'm not too worried. For water to be gushing in like that, it has to be coming from a raised tank somewhere else. If this room is airtight, the water will create an increase in pressure and eventually stop flowing when the two systems balance out. If it's not airtight, then hopefully it won't be watertight, either. And if it's not water tight, the water will start flowing somewhere, which may lead us to a way out. If it starts seeping through a crack in the wall, there's a good chance it's hollow on the other side and we'll be able to smash our way through to safety. We should also consider that some things are magical and I might be completely wrong and we're all going to die. I am proud to say that I will not have urinated on myself in fear. I did so only because it was convenient."


The Tentacled One
Once the water is about waist-deep, Throg will empty his bladder.

"I'm not too worried. For water to be gushing in like that, it has to be coming from a raised tank somewhere else. If this room is airtight, the water will create an increase in pressure and eventually stop flowing when the two systems balance out. If it's not airtight, then hopefully it won't be watertight, either. And if it's not water tight, the water will start flowing somewhere, which may lead us to a way out. If it starts seeping through a crack in the wall, there's a good chance it's hollow on the other side and we'll be able to smash our way through to safety. We should also consider that some things are magical and I might be completely wrong and we're all going to die. I am proud to say that I will not have urinated on myself in fear. I did so only because it was convenient."
Watertight walls, non-airtight ceiling. Problem solved. Chemists can do physics if we have to. Sometimes. :p


The Tentacled One
Turn 1:
-Throg muses on the engineering behind the current predicament. He wonders where the reservoir is and how big it might be.
-Dorgath begins searching the wall near the door. He cannot find any mechanism for opening the floodgate. Now that it's shut, it is perfectly sealed.
-Kelgar stands around, unsure of how to help.
-Carrow observes Dorgath, possibly hoping for an education on the aquatic behavior of dwarves.

The water level continues to rise. Arcttus nervously clutches the lantern, attempting to make sure to avoid getting it wet for as long as he can.

Turn 2:
-Throg readies himself to micturate. It's still too soon.
-Whether from some cue in the sounds the walls made or from something he thought he saw in searching earlier, or maybe just by sheer luck, Dorgath decides that the other floodgate is on the opposite side of the room. He slogs through the water and finds the mechanism in time to open the hidden door before the lantern is extinquished. Dorgath herds everyone through the door and, with a groan at the effort required, manages to close the door behind them.

You are in a dark and gloomy room full of crates and barrels. The stink of cheap ale pervades the air. There is no apparent way out of this room other than through the flooded chamber. The door seems to be watertight. The only water on the floor is the water that swept in as you arrived.


Staff member
Carrow said:
Can Dwarves swim?
"Aye, the mountains aren't like a desert, you know. One of these days I'll take you to see Karak-a-Karak's famed Undermountain Ocean...

That's a stroke of luck, finding that mechanism before we all drowned. I knew there had to be another exit somewhere...

Let's see what's in these crates and barrels."

Dorgath proceeds to follow his words with actions.


The Tentacled One
The crates seem to be empty. The barrels contain ale.

Avorus: "Probably stolen from some merchants that were waylaid on the road like us. Maybe that's how the orcs get all their supplies."


Staff member
"Well, I need a drink after all of that."

Dorgath takes a swig of ale and then checks the room for additional secret traps and doors.


Isengar Tussle
Empty crates and bad ale? How can there be only one access to this room? There has to be another way in and out, who gets drunk in a room with only one exit?
Carrow will search around for the obvious secret exit.