Black: Sengir Vampire (old pic is better), Drain Life (simple but effective), Nightmare, Dark Ritual (great for the first turn hippie), royal assassin.
Blue: Counterspell, Arcane Denial... or any variant. Clone.
Green: Force of Nature.
Red: Fireball, lightning bolt. And the restricted Fork. (Those were the days.)
White: Serra Angel (though not as cool as my sengirs).
Lands: Dual, nuff said.
Overall--Sengirs, a personal fave/weakness of mine. I love my vampires, baby!
(And yes, I know this list is terribly old school... but that's cuz it was better... there was more challenge, and not a card to do anything you could think of. And the colors were so balanced... equal and opposite. Made it really tough and all about strategy.)