Warhammer Quest: The Sylvan Epic


The Tentacled One
L K O J_
L R _ C

Dorgath can't get into melee range currently. But there are some options. Dorgath could use his crossbow and hope that the other melee/spells/Carrow are enough to finish off both trolls. Or we could try to have a character break from pinning to make room for Dorgath to get into melee...


The Tentacled One
-Jekaena casts Heal Wounds on Revaethan (16/18).
-Jekaena casts Heal Wounds on Revaethan (18/18).
-Kelgar blesses himself and Revaethan with Vanquish. Both Warriors get +1 Attacks this turn.
-Carrow shoots a troll with a fire arrow (22/30).
-Carrow plants another one in the troll's torso (20/30).
-Carrow's target ignites (14/30).
-Dorgath fires his crossbow, but narrowly misses his mark.
-Dorgath fires his crossbow again, this time feathering a troll in the gut (9/30).
-Revaethan uses Woven Mist, trading his normal Move and Attacks for a combined total of 5 Move + Attacks this turn.
-Revaethan slashes wildly at a troll. Miss.
-Revaethan carves into a troll (3/30).
-Revaethan's Dance of Death propels him through his victim. He leaps onto the troll's shoulders, slices its head in half, and continues his attack to the final troll.
-Revaethan skewers the last troll (2/30).
-Revaethan chops up the troll.
-Tomas casts Lifebringer on himself, but it fails.
-Tomas casts Lifebringer on himself again (19/21).

Tomas scarfs down a cake of Elf Waybread, fully restoring himself. After the last troll topples over, its torso cut up from several major attacks, some of its stomach contents and unrecognizable remains of its previous victim fall out. This seems to include a thick oilcloth parcel that managed to go undigested.


The Tentacled One
Amazingly, the items within appear to be pristine. Tomas identifies them as a Ring of Invisibility and a Cloak of Stealth.

Revaethan: "That's, um, morbidly ironic."


The Tentacled One
Invisibility Ring: Once per adventure, can turn invisible for one turn. The Warrior can still move and attack, but cannot be pinned, cannot be attacked, and cannot be the target of spells. Worth 175 gold.
Cloak of Stealth: Once per adventure, the wearer may break from pinning automatically. Worth 100 gold.


Staff member
I think Carrow should take the ring, since, as he pointed out, he does seem to be targeted more often than not. And I think there's a thing with Ty where he doesn't escape from Pinning normally anyways, so the Cloak should probably go to Dorgath or Throg.


Staff member
"Sounds good. I'll take the Cloak now and Throg can get what comes next. All right, let's heal up and move out!"


The Tentacled One
Was feeling a bit run-down and slept through the time I was going to go over this. Caught some minor illness. :yawn: Anyway...

Revaethan and Tomas were still injured, and I was assuming that they'd be healed up pretty quickly on the following turn, but the Power Phase result is a 1, so an Unexpected Event occurs. Will check my table to see what the Unexpected Event actually turns out to be and update this thread this evening...


The Tentacled One
It rains gold again. Everyone gets some free gold, but suffers damage from being pelted by the sudden deluge of metal.

-You all collect 80 gold and suffer 3 Wounds.
-Tomas casts Lifebringer, but it fails.
-Kelgar fails to bless anything.

Ugh. some bad rolls, but at least you're not even fighting anything right now!