Jakaena is initally casting her protect spell.
Jakaena should probably move to the right, Tomas should move to her spot, and Kelgar should move up in Tomas's spot.
Since Rokapoke remains indefinitely elusive, and since this isn't happening on a tabletop and not everything is necessarily clear on this medium, I should just note...
Tomas is, relative to the rest of the party, mediocre in melee combat, although if he had to, he could close some of the performance gap by casting spells on himself. But he's not entirely ineffective. In general, I suspect that the intuition has been to leave him off the front lines, and that this is a good call, especially because Throg, Dorgath, and Tyresius hit so hard in melee and are less effective if they're not doing that. But it's worth noting that he's perfectly capable of fighting most monsters and, in a melee situation, wouldn't be in trouble right away unless surrounded or facing an extraordinarily formidable opponent. From what I can tell, the main advantage of having Kelgar on the front lines is that he's already going to be using combat-focused blessings anyway a lot of the time, so he can enhance the other front-line fighters he's adjacent to. Of course, Kelgar can also use blessings to help ranged attacks (mostly Carrow) or to help fighters that he is standing behind. When it comes to a situation where either Tomas or Kelgar could be in melee combat with a monster and the dedicated front-line melee dudes are already occupied, I've been leaning more toward Kelgar mostly because Melkor is still active on the boards, so there's a chance for him to make a potentially meaningful decision. Also, ignoring magical powers, he's a bit more powerful in melee combat than Tomas.
While ordinarily I'd think moving Jekaena over and having Tomas back up to let Kelgar fight in melee is good, in the specific case of trolls, it might be a higher priority to minimize the chance that they'll vomit on Kelgar and destroy his armor. But I leave it up to you guys. My instinct could even be wrong: if the troll attacking Tomas lands multiple attacks with high-damage rolls and also vomits on him, it could take him out before anyone could protect him or kill the troll, whereas Kelgar might weather such an assault. I don't know for sure. The other advantage, somewhat obscure, of having Tomas disengage and letting Kelgar do melee, is that if Tomas isn't planning to cast offensive spells just yet, he won't be targeting trolls and won't have to roll for a Fear test against them yet, so the decision to potentially use a re-roll ability on his Fear test could be postponed, but that's an extremely minor consideration, I'd think. Another option would be to have Jekaena move to the right, have Kelgar wait, have Tomas wait for the troll to attack, then have Tomas try to break from pinning and let Kelgar charge in on the troll. A bit of a compromise that would give Kelgar one turn of protection and insurance against the vomit attack, but probably do some damage to Tomas. Just wanted to communicate what I notice from looking at the numbers, as it might be more clear to you if this were being done in a real tabletop environment.
Also, trolls are limited exclusively to melee attacks, so if Spiderman's call of moving Jekaena all the way to the right with Kelgar and Tomas to her left goes through, her Glittering Robe spell would seem superfluous: the only way trolls are going to get to her is if they go through Kelgar
and Tomas, or if they go through the front-line fighters.
Trolls are dumb brutes and will not attempt to break from pinning (something I didn't make clear earlier), so they're not slipping around Dorgath/Ty in order to get Jekaena. I'd think it's over 99% safe to have Jekaena cast some other spell. Still leaving that decision up to you guys, though...