Warhammer Quest: Death Below Karak Azgal


The Tentacled One
So it turns out that I don't currently have access to a device that can connect the hard drive from my broken laptop to my desktop and give me my files back. I'm reasonably sure they're still on that hard drive and safe, but I can't get to them yet. I'll probably have to buy whatever the thing is that makes the connection. It's called some name. See how knowledgeable I am about computers?

The latest version of the Notepad document I had for running this game is only on that hard drive. I probably won't wait, since it's not that hard to reconstruct most of it from what I have that was backed up (my backups became a long and ridiculous story that I won't get into right now). The only numbers I might not be able to reconstruct are the gold totals for each character, but like I said, I'll get my files back eventually. I'll move this along to Deep Three after I get home today or possibly tomorrow.


The Tentacled One
Throg identifies a Frost Blade (the wielder may only make one attack per turn while wielding this sword, if the Frost Blade successfully causes 1 Wound then the target is instantly slain, recharges once per adventure, worth 750 gold).

The Warriors use their keys on the magic locks. They fit perfectly, allowing the door to swing open and reveal a black tunnel stretching away and downward. The tunnel appears to be fashioned from pure darkness. Disemboweled voices call out from within and the floor pulsates and bleeds.

Enter Chaos Gate? [Y/N]


Nothing Special
Sounds like my kind of place. Let's go have a picnic.

Also, does anyone mind if I hang on to this Frost Sword? Combined with my Chalice of Night, it should be able to make quick work of some tougher enemies.


The Tentacled One
An ice-cold wind clutches at your limbs. Hideous rasping and howling assails you from all sides. Disoriented, you try to press onwards, although direction is becoming meaningless. Eventually, after what could be minutes, days, or years, feeling returns, and with it, a sense of rapid motion. Worringly, the direction of that motion is down...


The Tentacled One
I was going to post the next part yesterday, but I got swamped. Well, today I got my files back, so there's definitely no need to stall...

Moments pass. Slowly you make out a dim light beneath you, growing fast. Seconds later you fall with a thud onto the floor of a tunnel, presumably somewhere in the lost depths of Karak Azgal.

-Throg takes 1 damage as he hits the floor.
-Dorgath fails to right himself, taking 2 damage as he hits the floor.
-Kelgar takes 2 damage as he hits the floor.
-Carrow takes 2 damage as he hits the floor.
-Throg's Mark of Chaos resets.
-Throg's Chalice of Night resets (5 charges).
-Throg's Axe of Mighty Striking resets.
-Throg's Bone Blade resets.
-Dorgath's Lucky Talisman resets.
-Dorgath's Runestone of Destruction resets (but it's not bound to a weapon yet anyway).
-Carrow's Invisibility Ring resets.
-Carrow's Horn of Shielding resets.


Nothing Special
"Ow! My butt!"

How light is it down here? Do we need a lantern? If so, Throg will equip the Frost Blade and the lantern. Otherwise, he'll stow the lantern and hold the Sword of Defiance in his offhand.


Staff member
Odd we could see through them then... :)

"Which way, fellows?" Dorgath checks the current room/area for traps and secret doors while waiting an answer.