Warhammer Quest: Death Below Karak Azgal


The Tentacled One
Kelgar's restorative powers mitigate the effects of the toxic gas. Dorgath, Throg, and Kelgar continue opening urns while Carrow watches in amusement...

-Throg opens an urn. Plague gas: Throg suffers 3 damage.
-Dorgath opens an urn, collecting 3 well-preserved provisions.
-Kelgar opens an urn, collecting 2 bandages and 2 well-preserved provisions.
-Throg opens an urn, collecting 2 well-preserved provisions.
-Dorgath opens an urn, collecting 2 potions.
-Kelgar opens an urn. Poison gas: Kelgar sustains 2 damage.
-Throg opens the last urn. Throg obtains 3 well-preserved provisions.


Staff member
"All right, looks like the only other place we haven't gone that won't take us anywhere else is this 'Den' of someone, which probably means it will be another tough fight. Let's gear up, heal to the max, and get ready for some more head bashing!"

After everyone is ready, Dorgath leads the way to the Den's door and checks for traps and listens.


The Tentacled One
Just a reminder: provisions and bandages do eventually spoil (the chance to spoil depends on the type of provision, with standard provisions having the worst chance of spoiling and stonebread never spoiling). They won't spoil mid-adventure or even between two deeps of the same adventure. So if you need healing, provisions are a quick way to accomplish that. Kelgar can also attempt to use his ring, which is free, but not guaranteed to work on any given turn...

Right now, Throg has 2 provisions, Dorgath has 13 stonebread, 6 provisions, 2 healing potions, and 4 bandages, Kelgar has 2 provisions, 2 healing potions, and 2 bandages, Carrow has 7 provisions and one special potion of full healing.


Nothing Special
Throg will use his provisions and if he isn't fully healed, he'll mooch off of Dorgath until he is.


Isengar Tussle
"I will eat the provisions I have brought, I don't think my teeth can handle the stanes the dwarves eat."


The Tentacled One
The journey to the southern room is uneventful. As usual, Dorgath listens at the door before opening it. This time, it's unnecessary: the room seems to be unoccupied.

Numerous black wax candles gutter and spit as they cast a wan light around the room. There is a desk against one wall with a mirror above it. In one corner is an unmade bed. A threadbare rug covers the floor. On the wall is a dusty parchment chart covered with spidery inscriptions and diagrams.


The Tentacled One
Assuming that Dorgath searches the entire room itself, but isn't yet searching the furnishings, as that would take longer...

Dorgath finds no traps or secret doors. He does notice, though, that there is a lot of guano around one of the walls. The culprits aren't here at the moment, for whatever reason...


Staff member
"That's weird..." Dorgath checks that wall specifically to see if there's some way bats could get in to leave the guano (also looks at the ceiling).


The Tentacled One
A further survey of the wall reveals nothing notable. Other than the guano, it seems to be the same as the other walls.


Staff member
"Quiet elf. I know what I'm doing. Why don't you check out that chart?"

Dorgath checks the desk for traps and if none, examines and opens any drawers.


The Tentacled One
Carrow examines the wall chart. Dorgath checks the desk. There are no traps, but everything seems to have been cleared out of the desk other than some crumpled and ripped papers.


The Tentacled One
Throg trips over Dorgath's feet in his haste. He seizes his prize, but collides with the desk and bumps his head on the mirror and falls to the floor, temporarily dazed.

-Throg obtains 3 scraps of paper.
-Throg takes 1 damage.



Nothing Special
"That warrior in that mirror was mighty, indeed. I think I got the best of him."

So there's nothing written on the paper?


The Tentacled One
The scraps of paper do not seem to contain legible writing. There are some scribbles and there may have once been some writing, but the ink is too smeared for anything to be recognizable.