Just some CPA stats for you to chew on.
* Posts in last 24 hours: 451
* Threads made in last 24 hours: 20
* Page /cpa/forums/index.php has been hit 945 time(s) in the last 24 hours.
* Page /cpa/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=9 has been hit 311 time(s) in the last 24 hours. (OT forum)
* Page /cpa/ has been hit 310 time(s) in the last 24 hours.
* Total pageviews in last 24 hours: 7100
* Total accesses yesterday: 40,830 (note: not pageviews)
* In bytes: 286,698,423 (~286 megabytes)
* http://www.magic-singles.com/cpa/article/get.php?action=getarticle&articleid=175 has been hit 267 times this week.
* Last week, we served over 1.5 gigabytes of traffic
Paid ads are imminent (sp?) I believe. Deal with it.
* Posts in last 24 hours: 451
* Threads made in last 24 hours: 20
* Page /cpa/forums/index.php has been hit 945 time(s) in the last 24 hours.
* Page /cpa/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=9 has been hit 311 time(s) in the last 24 hours. (OT forum)
* Page /cpa/ has been hit 310 time(s) in the last 24 hours.
* Total pageviews in last 24 hours: 7100
* Total accesses yesterday: 40,830 (note: not pageviews)
* In bytes: 286,698,423 (~286 megabytes)
* http://www.magic-singles.com/cpa/article/get.php?action=getarticle&articleid=175 has been hit 267 times this week.
* Last week, we served over 1.5 gigabytes of traffic
Paid ads are imminent (sp?) I believe. Deal with it.